Kay Sweeney


Quiet days in Hollywood
Script Supervisor
Behind the glitz and glamour of Tinseltown exists a harsh reality. Lolita (Hilary Swank) is a streetwalker hustling for business on Hollywood Blvd. Julie (Meta Golding) is a waitress coping with a sexual assault. And Peter (Peter Dobson) is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. Their lives touch each other in ways they never expected in this drama co-starring Chad Lowe, Natasha Gregson Wagner and Jake Busey.
Stargate: A Chave para o Futuro da Humanidade
Script Supervisor
Um egiptólogo (James Spader) não-reconhecido por suas teorias é convidado a trabalhar em uma base secreta e lá toma contato com um anel de trinta metros coberto de hieróglifos. Ele descobre a chave para se chegar a um novo mundo, pois aquele anel é um portão estelar e, junto com uma pequena tropa de elite, atravessa o portão e se vê diante de uma experiência e uma aventura inimaginável.
Soldado Universal
Script Supervisor
Durante a Guerra do Vietnã, o soldado Luc Deveraux descobre que seu superior, Andrew Scott, se tornou descontroladamente violento, e os dois lutam até a morte. Seus corpos são resgatados e colocados num programa secreto em que são reanimados e treinados para se tornar máquinas assassinas. Inicialmente, Devereaux e Scott não têm memória de suas vidas passadas, mas lampejos do passado começam a retornar, reavivando o intenso conflito.
Eternity: O Guerreiro do Tempo
Script Supervisor
TV producer James has an extremely vivid dream, in which he is a prince struggling to keep the kingdom at peace against the wishes of his warfaring brother, while at the same time competing with his brother for a woman's love. The figures in his dream match those in his real life, with his brother being an aggressive business man trying to buy James out, the king being James' advisor, and the woman being an actress recently cast for a commercial at his studio. Seeing his dreams as a message about his life, James decides to act on their guidance, even though they lead him into the fight of his life.