Masahiro Saito


Eriko, Pretended
Sho Sano
For ten years, Eriko has been chasing her dream of becoming an actress in Tokyo. Returning to her hometown for her older sister’s funeral, she realizes that she might have to readjust her path in life. She deciof the to take care of her nephew and to follow in her sister’s footsteps as a mourner-for-hire.
Daughter of Time
A member of the jieitai ("Self-Defense Force"; i.e. Japanese military) is on leave and finds a woman giving birth in a graveyard in the former Yoshiwara district. He takes her to an inn to gove birth, and stays on a few days as she recovers, but becomes fascinated with the strange people he meets there, particularly the owner, who visits a house in his courtyard every day to talk and give food to his mother. He says she is very sick and can't leave bed, but no one else has ever been inside or seen her.
Young Person's Guide to Cinema
Originally made for the 100 Feet Film Festival hosted by Image Forum. However, to test the limits, Terayama Shūji willfully made use of 3 projectors to project 300 feet of film at the same time.
Joguem Fora seus Livros e Saiam às Ruas
Alternando entre um estudo psicológico sobre a alienação e perda de direitos, e uma chamada urgente pela militância e atuação sociopolítica revolucionária da geração do final dos anos 60, a delirante montagem de Terayma de imagens fragmentadas, não sequenciais e desbalanceadas reflete a incerteza e o caos interior de um empobrecido - e apropriadamente anônimo - jovem, e de sua família igualmente disfuncional: o pai desempregado e voyeur, uma avó deliberadamente mentirosa, e uma irmã cuja ligação afetiva com seu coelho de pelúcia transformou-se numa obsessão bestial.