Sarah Pellerin

Sarah Pellerin


Sarah Pellerin


Casas de Vidro
Logo após um escândalo que humilhou a sua família, a babá adolescente Carrie está magoada. Quando ela descobre que a "abelha rainha" da vizinhança, Madeline, pode ser a culpada por tudo, Carrie decide executar a sua vingança.
My Boy
Though Louis agrees to attend his brother’s bachelor party, he is not particularly interested in the planned activities or cleaning up after the drunken groom-to-be. But as the night’s events get wilder he is forced to decide how much he can tolerate.
My Boy
Though Louis agrees to attend his brother’s bachelor party, he is not particularly interested in the planned activities or cleaning up after the drunken groom-to-be. But as the night’s events get wilder he is forced to decide how much he can tolerate.
Plain and Simple
Plain and Simple” is a window that gives on the lives of 4 different characters that share an acute sense of loneliness while striving for a secret desire of belonging.
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling
Associate Producer
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. Nor any truck.
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. Nor any truck.
Life's a Bitch
Love. Grief. Shock. Denial. Sleeplessness. Bubble bath. Mucus. Masturbation. Pigeons. Toothpaste. Hospital. F**k. Bye. Hair. Sports. Chicken. Bootie. Kids. Rejection. Squirrels. Cries. Awkward. Ninety-five scenes. Five minutes. Life's a bitch.
Sarah Prefers to Run
Coureuse supplémentaire #3
When Sarah has a chance to go to a first class university and to join its premiere athletic club, her suburban mother is fearful of the change and refuses to help financially. But Sarah's roommate knows that they will get a grant if they marry. Sarah agrees but only to discover that her true heart lies elsewhere. Sarah prefers to run.
5 women : 5 tales of ordinary oppression.