Ulf Peder Olrog


Fly mej en greve
Original Music Composer
The burglar Karl Kilian Ledig tries to get his somewhat reluctant son Carl Gustaf interested in his "profession". He bring him along one evening to the sculpture Ulla-Carin von Knaake's house to break in and steal from her safe. Complications arise when Ulla-Carin and some of her friends unexpectedly come home and she imagines that Carl Gustaf is a model she has hired from a model agency.
When Bengt and Anders Changed Wives
Original Music Composer
Two neighbours, each with a small plot of land, hate each other. Both are dissatisfied with his wife.
Ung och kär
The two young attachées Freddie Rundhult and Rutger af Utterfeldt at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are rivals for the beautiful operetta singer Alice.