Ashir Chokubayev


Cazaquistão, século 18. O povo está dividido em diversas tribos de nômades, que percorrem as imensas extensões de seu país. Mas a paz é frágil, e um inimigo comum começa extinguir essas tribos. Uma velha vidente, mostrando a necessidade de unir os clãs, anuncia o nascimento de uma criança, Mansur, descendente do poderoso Gengis Khan. Quando o inimigo toma conhecimento do poder desta criança, ele decide eliminá-la a todo custo. Somente a intervenção de Oraz, poderoso guerreiro poderá oferecer segurança à Mansur. Um filme belíssimo sobre o destino de um guerreiro, sinônimo de esperança para seu povo.
The Running Target
Sanzhar finds himself in very tricky situation after the December events in 1986.
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The Descent of the White Leopard
The Russian Descendant of the Snow Leopard is based on a famous Kirghizian folktale. Apparently the Kirghizian folks had plenty of time to tell this story: to print a full synopsis would result in a novelette. Essentially, the story involves a proud group of highland hunters called the Snow Leopards, who in order to survive a brutal winter must request help from the Lowland people. The price for this assistance is the hand of the Snow Leopard's daughter, who is promised in marriage to a wealthy Lowland trader. During the Springtime wedding celebration, the trader becomes fascinated by a stranger who wins all the athletic contests. This "male" contestant turns out to be a woman, who has arrived to seek freedom for her imprisoned husband. The subsequent romance between the trader and the beautiful stranger results in disaster and bloodshed for both the Snow Leopards and the Lowlanders.