Elizaveta Arzamasova

Elizaveta Arzamasova

Nascimento : 1995-03-17, Moscow, Russia


Elizaveta Nikolaevna Arzamasova (Russian: Елизаве́та Никола́евна Арзама́сова), or less formally Liza Arzamasova (Russian: Ли́за Арзама́сова); born March 17, 1995; is a Russian actress of theater, also known as TV-show anchorwoman. Elizaveta Arzamasova was born in Moscow. In four years, she began to act in films. Liza played the main role in the musical "Annie" (director – Nina Chusova). In 2004, at the 9th theater festival Moscow Debuts the young actress was awarded the audience award for this role. At the same time Liza was engaged in the music studio at the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts - GITIS. Then Liza's mother, Yuliya Arzamasova, placed on one of the sites photos and summaries of Liza. She got a call from the Moscow Variety Theatre, asked about her daughter and invited to audition. In 2004, at the 9th theater festival "Moscow debuts" the young actress was awarded for the role of the Audience Choice Award. Liza became popular after the TV series Daddy's Daughters, where she played one of the main roles – Galina Vasnetsova. In January 30, 2010, at age of 14 she played the role of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet on the stage of Moscow C.S. Stanislavski Drama Theatre. (Wikipedia)


Elizaveta Arzamasova
Elizaveta Arzamasova
Elizaveta Arzamasova


Легенды Орлёнка
The teenagers who came to Orlyonok will have to unravel the mystery of the seven elders.
The Cursed Official
One of the deputies of a certain city, after the curse of the deprived old woman, becomes physiologically incapable of taking bribes.
A man and a woman living in the same hotel suddenly are getting involved in various events.
A man and a woman living in the same hotel suddenly are getting involved in various events.
Укрощение свекрови
Sociedade das Mulheres Traídas
Três meninas, enganadas por homens casados, estabelecem uma sociedade secreta para ajudar outras mulheres como elas.
A police detective is going through different adventures while he is stuck in a little boy body.
Corporate Event
Igor, a furniture store manager, tries to figure out what happened during the corporate event which resulted his store to be completely destroyed.
O Reino Gelado
Doch atamanshi (voice)
Desejando criar um novo mundo no qual o vento polar esfrie as almas humanas, a Rainha da Neve cobriu o planeta com gelo e ordenou a destruição de todas as artes. De acordo com as previsões de um espelho mágico, a última ameaça aos seus planos estaria no mestre-vidreiro Vegard, cujos espelhos refletem não apenas a aparência, mas também as almas das pessoas. Então, o vento polar sequestra Vegard e sua esposa Una, deixando seus filhos Kai e Gerda para trás. O tempo passa e os servos da Rainha acabam capturando também Kai, acreditando que o garoto é o sucessor de seu pai. Mas sua irmã Gerda, agora uma garota muito corajosa, não vai deixar isso barato. Embarcando em uma jornada pelo reino, ela vai encarar todos os obstáculos ao lado de seus novos amigos para salvar o irmão e voltar a aquecer os corações das pessoas.
Ashberry Waltz
They were young, their life was in bloom and their hearts were longing to love.
The Priest
Father Alexander is trying to maintain peaceful life for his church amidst the Nazi occupation during WWII.
Love and the City
Three Russian friends work in New York, party hard and chase women. It's great times until they get cursed by a drunken Russian night club owner, who turns out to be Saint Valentine. St. Valentine's curse is simple - the guys lose all their manly powers until they find their true love. It turns out to be harder than it sounds - our boys have a lot of growing up to do. Fast.
Own Children
Lada Bezuglova
Dina, a former figure skating star, works as a coach in a boarding school for problematic children when she meets Lada - a new and very talented girl.
O Último Guerreiro
Ele foi sentenciado à morte, mas sobreviveu à destruição de sua tribo e sua família. O último homem da tribo Grey Dogs se torna um poderoso guerreiro e passa a ser conhecido como Wolfhound. Ele escapa da morte no submundo das minas e se transforma no protetor de Elen, a filha de um governante que espera salvar sua cidade concedendo a mão da jovem a um guerreiro da terra vizinha. Eles iniciam uma perigosa expedição em busca do futuro marido de Elen. Mas Wolfhound se verá frente a frente a misteriosos acontecimentos que mostrarão os verdadeiros objetivos desta jornada.
Lost in Time
Алина Еремина (as Liza Arzamasova)
A story of a schoolgirl Alina who is lost in time while looking for her brother.
Секретное оружие
General's daughter
Based on a short story "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
The Rider Named Death
кукла в кукольном театре
In pre-Soviet Russia, Boris Savinkov leads a terrorist faction of Socialist-Revolutionary Party members responsible for the deaths of governors and ministers.
Посылка с Марса
Лиза, девочка, исполняющая песню для Деда Мороза
The Ark
The film is based on Gennady Shpalikov’s most intimate story, “The Wharf”. Young Katya, who lives in a small provincial town, is dreaming of a prince charming. And, of course, she can’t help falling in love with a stern skipper played by Yevgeny Sidikhin. Wishing to unravel his mystery, Katya goes to Moscow. One night in the capital will change both the skipper’s and the young heroine’s lives, making them to better understand each other…