Oleg Fomin

Oleg Fomin

Nascimento : 1962-05-21, Morshansk, USSR, [now Russia]


Oleg Fomin


The Owner
An ordinary man’s life takes an unlikely turn when he saves the life of a high-ranking security officer in an accident.
No Limite do Perigo
Quatro jovens de Moscou viajam para Altai para fazer rafting em um rio que corta a montanha. Isolados da civilização, frente a frente com a natureza, nossos heróis não são querem saber de relaxar, mas acabam forçados a lutar pela sobrevivência quando algo dá errado. Eles pedem a ajuda de um grupo que encontram no rio. O que eles não sabiam era que os colegas são criminosos e agora os jovens são reféns de criminosos.
KV1 – Almas de Ferro
Inspirado em eventos reais, este filme conta a história da ação heroica da tripulação do tanque KV-1. Encarando uma luta perdida, a tripulação comandada por Semyon Konovalov destruiu 16 tanques inimigos, dois veículos blindados e mais oito veículos com tropas nazistas perto da fazenda Nizhnemityakin, no distrito de Tarasovskoye, na região de Rostov. Estes homens de honra são herois de verdade, sem superpoderes, mas munidos de coragem e caráter.
I See You
Young Christina is an unlucky gang member and a poor contributor to common fund. She fails the task of stealing a parked car case. It all happens due to an unexpected encounter with the backseat passenger. It is a blind guy who is about to change her life.
New wife
Sasha and Ira have been married for a long time. During the years of marriage their passions subsided, the romance went away, and even the celebration of the thirteenth anniversary of married life turned into a very ordinary event with ridiculous gifts. Iraq meets Gosha - his student love. Unlike Sasha, Gosh pulled himself up. Feelings flare up with a new force.
Vôo de Emergência
Uma história sobre bravura, auto-sacrifício e dignidade humana é julgada pelo poder impiedoso da natureza. Um jovem piloto é demitido da força aérea militar depois de desobedecer uma ordem absurda. Ele recebe um emprego como co-piloto com uma companhia aérea civil. Sendo brutalmente honesto e direto, ele não está em melhores condições com seus novos colegas. Durante um voo para a Ásia, sua equipe recebe uma mensagem de socorro de uma ilha vulcânica e toma a decisão de tentar uma missão de resgate. Será um sucesso? Vão sobreviver ao desastre? Eles têm uma única chance de descobrir isso: sendo uma equipe e se agarrando um pelo outro.
Виктор Канищев, подполковник, командир полка
Moscow, I Love You!
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Moscow, I Love You!
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Залезь на Луну
Orphans Dimka and Yaroslav live independent lives. Each of them received a one-room apartment from the state, but the guys decided to live together in order to rent out free living space. They record their reckless life on an amateur camera. However, when the work that the state offers doesn't suit them, one of their acquaintances offers his help - he kicks out the non-paying tenant, draws up papers for himself so that the guys can get a loan for a private business, and then ... deceives and sells their apartment. The first test of adulthood turns out to be cruel, but even more severe trials await Dima and Yaroslav ahead...
The Best Movie 2
Russian comedy film. Continuation of 2008 The Best Movie film, spoofing such famous Russian films as Zhara, The Irony of Fate 2 and TV-programs: Malakhov+, King of Ring and Taxi.
The Best Movie 2
Russian comedy film. Continuation of 2008 The Best Movie film, spoofing such famous Russian films as Zhara, The Irony of Fate 2 and TV-programs: Malakhov+, King of Ring and Taxi.
Nikolay Podgurskiy
Almirante Kolchak é um verdadeiro herói de guerra e também um pai de família. Um dia ele conhece Anna, o amor de sua vida que se torna sua esposa e também sua melhor amiga. A revolução em seu coração enfrenta a revolução em seu próprio país… Seu destino se tornou o Supremacia da Rússia.
Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor
During the Civil War in Russia a group of White Guard officers is trying to rescue the family of the tsar Nicholas II captured by Bolsheviks. The officers face betrayal and fight a Red Army detachment sent to eliminate them. It is the Red Army commander against the head of the White Guard group. The only thing that matters is who will be the first to reach the tsar placed under arrest in Yekaterinburg...
Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor
During the Civil War in Russia a group of White Guard officers is trying to rescue the family of the tsar Nicholas II captured by Bolsheviks. The officers face betrayal and fight a Red Army detachment sent to eliminate them. It is the Red Army commander against the head of the White Guard group. The only thing that matters is who will be the first to reach the tsar placed under arrest in Yekaterinburg...
Колье для снежной бабы
Ужас, который всегда с тобой
Elections Day
The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.
Elections Day
The employees of a radio station in Moscow are forced to organize the elections campaign for a future governor in one of Russia districts.
Начало пути
A Wolf from Vesyegonsk
A story about a relationships between man and wolf set in a very far away Russian village.
Already a middle-aged but still unrecognized artist, Arkady Sinikhin, on the very eve of New Year, was expelled by his wife from home. While wandering the streets, Sinikhin accidentally finds the receiver of a mobile phone, which he threw out of the militia, a bear thief. Thanks to someone else's phone, Arkady finds out the place where the thieves' booty is hidden, and finds himself at a high-society party. Here he meets the owner of the art gallery Apollon Kostanakis. Having drunk fairly, a couple of new friends decided to appropriate the gangster stash and arrange an exhibition-sale of Sinihin's paintings. But the first visitor to this exhibition is a robbed bear-thief who is eager to get his money back ...
Спасатели. Затмение
Спасатели. Затмение
Contract with Death
A talented surgeon becomes a target of various forces after inventing a new organs transplantation technique.
To Kill the Actor
Шесть лет назад он отчаянно вырвался отсюда, задыхаясь в узких стенах провинциального театра. Из актерского прошлого в новый коммерческий мир он взял только кличку «Лицедей». Но желанная личная свобода оказывается еще более призрачной. Ему надлежит стать разыгранной пешкой в чужой игре, где на кону огромные деньги, а ставка - жизнь. Заблудившемуся человеку суждено сделать круг. Лицедею приходится выживать именно здесь - в стенах некогда покинутого театра, с помощью людей, с легкостью забытых им когда-то...
Country of the Deaf
Strana Glukhikh is about an unusual relationship between two women, one of them a deaf-mute dancer and the other on the run from the mafia. Yaya, the deaf girl, offers to hide Rita whose boyfriend, Alyosha owes gambling debts to the mafia, but in return she wants her to leave the young man and run off with her to an imaginary paradise where material values do not exist.
Tax collector
It is hard to know the future. It is even more difficult to feel its inevitability. He is a tax collector. He has an inexplicable, supernatural gift to foresee the future. He is sent to where the impossible is needed. And he does not fail, until - she does not appear. Love is expensive. Give the Gift and love or continue to live an invulnerable wolf. But what he will choose - only God knows.
Tax collector
It is hard to know the future. It is even more difficult to feel its inevitability. He is a tax collector. He has an inexplicable, supernatural gift to foresee the future. He is sent to where the impossible is needed. And he does not fail, until - she does not appear. Love is expensive. Give the Gift and love or continue to live an invulnerable wolf. But what he will choose - only God knows.
Странное время
Время вашей жизни
Время вашей жизни
Время вашей жизни
Милый Эп
Милый Эп
Serious Game
The former policeman dismissed from the criminal investigation Department for abuse of authority, entrusted to engage in the search for gunner burglary and for conspiracy, in the interests of the investigation, it is prescribed by the district. So again, in fact, from scratch, Stas begins his career…
Валентин Мукасей
After a two-year absence Valentin returns home and finds his sister Alisa in a deranged state. It turns out that the girl has long been on the needle. Brother is trying to pull the sister of drug hell, but, unfortunately, Alice dies of an overdose. From that moment Valentin declares ruthless war on drug dealers.
Fanat 2
After the final fight, Malish - karate fan in late Soviets still try hard to beat his way to the top.
The Vultures on the Road
The Vultures on the Road - an organized gang of robbers and murderers, which includes even the police. They kill the truck driver's friend, whose wife is expecting a baby. The police (which is cooperating with the bandits), of course, does nothing, so he begins to take revenge on the scum, crushing their cars by his truck.
Glass Labyrinth
Sasha Lukashov
Three heavily drunk friends break into the Zoo and kill a few deer...
Leshka, friend of Sungu
Enraged, a teacher murders a young female pupil. Over the years, another boy is bred for one sole purpose: to avenge his sister’s death.
My Name Is Harlequin
A guy called Harlequin and his company, who call themselves "wolves", live at a stop near the city, where they often go to "relax" - in search of thrills. And they're not just bullies, at least they think they are. They beat metalheads and fascists for ideological reasons, assert their simple order based on a special kind of justice and the right of the strong. In addition, Harlequin himself tries to think about complex universal values and connect them with the way of life he leads. However, he is faced with people who have their own order, not the same as the main character. And then the party life turns into a real tragedy.
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