Jupiter J. Makins


Last Ten
No consequences. No care. With only ten days left to live, who gives a shit?
Last Ten
No consequences. No care. With only ten days left to live, who gives a shit?
Last Ten
No consequences. No care. With only ten days left to live, who gives a shit?
Bigfoot and the Burtons
When an ignored little boy bonds with Bigfoot and discovers the human-like ape is in danger, he has to find the courage to stand up to those bigger than him to save the legendary creature and set him free.
Bigfoot and the Burtons
When an ignored little boy bonds with Bigfoot and discovers the human-like ape is in danger, he has to find the courage to stand up to those bigger than him to save the legendary creature and set him free.
Bigfoot and the Burtons
Executive Producer
When an ignored little boy bonds with Bigfoot and discovers the human-like ape is in danger, he has to find the courage to stand up to those bigger than him to save the legendary creature and set him free.
Chamada Não Identificada
Um psicopata consegue penetrar no sistema de segurança de alta tecnologia de uma família e nele instala uma bomba-relógio. Durante 90 minutos ele aterroriza a todos, exigindo apena uma resposta para a sua pergunta: Quem sou eu?