Set in a near-future Sweden, where jobs are scarce, margins are tight and corporate profit trumps all, this timely hybrid film reveals a frighteningly all-too-recognisable economic dystopia. Sköld highlights the effects of the ruthless system on families, friendships and communities. All but a hair’s breadth away from homelessness, zero-hours contract workers squabble over shifts at the discount supermarket while store manager Eleni, a new mother forced to return to work too soon, frantically pumps breast milk in the staff toilets. Poignant and compellingly performed, the film’s vignettes are punctuated with animated sequences, inventively exposing the dehumanising and absurdly wasteful effects of capitalism. And yet, beyond the store, an ever-growing ‘underclass’ offers a sense of hope through sustainability and true community.
Jens Odlander
Na véspera de 28 de junho de 2011, os jornalistas suecos Martin Schibbye e Johan Persson colocaram tudo em risco ao cruzar ilegalmente a fronteira da Somália com a Etiópia. Eles queriam relatar como a busca implacável por petróleo afetou a população da região de Ogaden isolada e cheia de conflitos. Cinco dias depois, eles ficaram feridos na areia do deserto, baleados e capturados pelo exército etíope. Mas quando o relatório inicial os dá como mortos, outra história começa. Após um julgamento kafkiano, foram condenados a onze anos de prisão por terrorismo. Eles foram perdoados e soltos após 438 dias - esta é sua história de 438 dias de terror.
Ove é um mal-humorado de 59 anos de idade que foi, há anos, colocado como presidente da associação do condomínio e mantém o bairro com punho de ferro. Quando a grávida Parvaneh e sua família se mudam no terreno ao lado da casa de Ove, surge uma amizade inesperada. A comédia dramática sobre amizade inesperada, o amor e a importância de cercar-se com as ferramentas adequadas.
Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.
Mariken Halle first asked around her neighborhood if she might make a school film about one of her neighbors. When that didn’t work, she and her small film crew began addressing people on the streets of Göteborg. How would they imagine a movie that they would want to star in? The results were far from fantastic – she encountered dismissively amused responses and boring, confused ideas. But some of the people she talked to were different. They try getting into their “life role” – and she begins to direct them....