Johnny Hallyday


Fuga de Pretória
Stunt Coordinator
A história real de Tim Jenkin e Stephen Lee, jovens sul-africanos brancos declarados "terroristas" e presos em 1978 por trabalharem em operações secretas para o ANC, grupo de Nelson Mandela. Encarcerados na prisão de segurança máxima de Pretória, eles decidem enviar uma mensagem clara ao regime do apartheid e fugir! Com engenhosidade de tirar o fôlego, vigilância meticulosa e chaves de madeira criadas para 10 portas de aço, eles fazem um grande caminho até a liberdade.
Em Busca de Justiça
Australian television film based on alleged events surrounding the death of Caroline Byrne in June 1995. Byrne was found in the early morning of 8 June at the base of a cliff at The Gap, a notorious suicide spot in Sydney.
Stunt Coordinator
A romantic story of young love is not what it seems. Rachel meets Matt on his way home from school. Matt falls for her, but Rachel has other ideas. Rachel and her boyfriend Nick use Matt to exact a revenge on his parents. What follows is an escalating story of revenge and payback: amoral teenager versus family.
Close Contact
Liz Price, a young divorced financial consultant, turns over in bed and goes back to sleep after her married lover and business partner, Dave Wyatt gets up to go home to his wife. But Wyatt never makes it home, he is gunned down outside his door. Liz finds herself plunged into a web of intrigue and murder.
Em um futuro próximo, Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), um jovem programador de computador que mora em um cubículo escuro, é atormentado por estranhos pesadelos nos quais encontra-se conectado por cabos e contra sua vontade, em um imenso sistema de computadores do futuro. Em todas essas ocasiões, acorda gritando no exato momento em que os eletrodos estão para penetrar em seu cérebro. À medida que o sonho se repete, Anderson começa a ter dúvidas sobre a realidade. Por meio do encontro com os misteriosos Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) e Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), Thomas descobre que é, assim como outras pessoas, vítima do Matrix, um sistema inteligente e artificial que manipula a mente das pessoas, criando a ilusão de um mundo real enquanto usa os cérebros e corpos dos indivíduos para produzir energia. Morpheus, entretanto, está convencido de que Thomas é Neo, o aguardado messias capaz de enfrentar o Matrix e conduzir as pessoas de volta à realidade e à liberdade.
Secret Men's Business
Stunt Coordinator
Secret Men's Business explores the relationships and issues of 4 school-friends reunited after the death of a beloved school teacher. During a weekend of sun, surf, girls, wives and late night reminiscing, the friends begin to deal with certain truths which have been ignored for some time. As relationships and issues are explored, the friends face their own personal challenges amidst a contempt bourne out of familiarity.
Kiss or Kill
Stunt Coordinator
Two lovers, Nikki and Al, have a scam in which Nikki allows herself to be picked up by older men, drugs them, and, with Al's help, robs them. After accidentally killing one of her victims with an overdose, Nikki and Al are on the run.
Um Canto de Esperança
Quando os japoneses invadiram Cingapura, em 1942, várias mulheres e crianças das mais diversas classes sociais foram levadas a um campo de concentração japonês. Entre elas estava Adrienne Pargiter (Glenn Close), formada pela Academia Real de Música, que decide organizar no local um coral, apesar da resistência do exército japonês.
A Fortaleza
John Brennick (Christopher Lambert), é um ex-militar que vive num futuro não muito distante, onde o crescimento desordenado da população mundial obrigou o governo a implantar o "controle de natalidade", permitindo somente um filho por mulher. Ele e sua esposa já tiveram esse filho, que morreu logo ao nascer, e contrariando a lei, sua esposa fica grávida novamente, fazendo com que eles tenham que fugir. Porém, eles são presos durante a fuga e John é enviado para "A Fortaleza", um imenso complexo prisional situado profundamente abaixo do nível da terra.
The Time Guardian
In the distant future, the human race nears extinction and a new race of beast-like creatures rule the earth. The few surviving people live in the City, a huge protected construction with the ability to travel in both space and time. The City travels back to our time to save humanity...
Ground Zero
A second generation cameraman in Australia finds evidence that his father had filmed a nuclear test that allowed aboriginies to be exposed to and killed by radiation. He begins a search for a secret that if true, his government has already killed people to keep quiet.
Ground Zero
U.S. Corporal
A second generation cameraman in Australia finds evidence that his father had filmed a nuclear test that allowed aboriginies to be exposed to and killed by radiation. He begins a search for a secret that if true, his government has already killed people to keep quiet.
The Blue Lightning
Stunt Double
Harry Wingate, a rugged adventurer, is hired by a gem collector to retrieve a priceless opal, known as "The Blue Lightning," from Lester McInally, a super-criminal with an army of killers operating in the Australian outback.
Run Chrissie Run!
Toe's Mate
The action moves along quickly, jumping over holes in the script, in this made-for-television drama about Eve, an ex-terrorist from Germany who is forced to escape to Australia with her teenage daughter Chrissie when she is sought by Riley, a lover from 17 years in the past. In turn, the IRA has sent two members after Riley because he shot an IRA soldier and must pay the consequences. The two IRA operatives looking for Riley come across a really nasty biker who wants vengeance on Eve for setting his car on fire -- and the three men finally track her and Chrissie to the wine-growing country of Barossa Valley. The final denouement is about to explode, as Riley also arrives on the scene. With under-par acting and a patchy plot, this film was never released theatrically.