Nadia Turincev


After the sudden death of her father, Haas meets Will. Runner is the story of two young strangers finding each other across the vast American landscape.
Mariupolis 2
In 2022, Mantas Kvedaravičius went back to Ukraine, Mariupol, at the heart of the war, to be with the people he had met and filmed in 2015. Following his death, his producers and collaborators have put all their strength into continuing transmitting his work, his vision and his films. Also a PhD in anthropology, Mantas Kvedaravičius wished to testify as a filmmaker as far as possible from the agitation of the media and the politicians. With huge force and sensitivity, Mariupolis 2 depicts life as it continues amidst the bombing and reveals images that convey both tragedy and hope.
Je ne sais pas si c'est tout le monde
In a cheap brothel at the foothills of an Athenian fortress, a man recounts the magnificent events of his life. His search for love and glory is retold and relived by many: a prostitute with an unredeemable past, a gangster haunted by bad luck, an icon painter who has no faith - In one of the stories, the man finds his riches, in another he becomes a vagabond prophet, in yet another he returns home to his wife. Memories betray him, but he knows for sure that in one of these lives, he will be killed.
O Estado Contra Mandela e os Outros
South Africa, July 11th, 1963. Several members of the African National Congress, an organization declared illegal, are arrested in Rivonia, a country house near Johannesburg. The detainees, along with Nelson Mandela, imprisoned since 1962, are charged with serious crimes for their radical activism against the apartheid regime…
Winter Flies
Associate Producer
Mischievously self-assured Mára and somewhat eccentric Heduš set out into the frozen wastes in search of adventure – by car, naturally. After all, Mára’s turning fifteen soon. A road movie about the flies that occasionally buzz around even in winter, and a story that tells of the elusive bond of boyhood friendship and the irrepressible desire to experience something, even if you don't exactly know what.
O Insulto
Beirute. Toni é um cristão libanês que sempre rega as plantas de sua varanda e um dia, acidentalmente, acaba molhando Yasser, um refugiado palestino. Assim começa um desacordo que evolui para julgamento e toma dimensão nacional.
Visages, villages
Visages Villages mostra a icônica diretora Agnès Varda em uma colaboração inesperada com o fotógrafo JR ao embarcar em uma viagem singular. Eles partem no caminhão fotográfico de JR, explorando as cidades da França rural para tirar retratos de seus residentes e ampliá-los em gigantescos murais.
Justine (Garance Marillier) é uma jovem tímida e vegetariana, caloura na mesma faculdade de veterinária em que estuda sua irmã, Alexia (Ella Rumpf). Durante o trote, a menina é forçada a comer carne animal pela primeira vez e a ação provoca mudanças extremas em sua vida.
Um xeique muito velho é acompanhado por uma caravana para tentar cumprir seu último desejo: ser enterrado ao lado de seus parentes. O problema é que a companhia precisa atravessar as montanhas marroquinas e os integrantes da caravana se recusam a caminhar pela região, causando um problema para o xeique, que está à beira da morte.
The city of Mariupolis is by the Azov sea. It is also on the river Kalmius. Most of the city’s residents, half a million according to the last census, are working for the steel factory and do fishing, for leisure or food, in between shifts. The orthodox church towers above the city and its newly build bronze domes are sitting next to it, waiting to be donned. A tent near by is sheltering a crying icon, which receives a steady flow of visitors.
A Filha do Patrão
Vital é funcionário de uma fábrica têxtil e tem 40 anos de idade. Ele se apaixona pela filha do chefe quando ela o escolhe para um estudo ergonômico, mas esse relacionamento atrai a raiva e a desaprovação de todos.
Voice Over
A married woman — seeking to purify herself through a "disconnection vow" — leaves her husband and returns to her parents’ home, but finds a situation far from the peace and quiet she had imagined.
Bonsai – Uma História de Amor, Livros e Blá, Blá, Blá
Ao não conseguir o trabalho de transcrever o livro de um grande escritor, Julio finge ter conseguido o emprego e começa a escrever seu próprio. Ao buscar um argumento, revive um romance do passado.
Film follows two people who become unexpected allies. A story set in Georgia and Turkey about finding your family, not your blood relatives, but those that accept and love you unconditionally, without prejudice, for who you are.