Mailara Santana


Uma Prova de Coragem
Production Designer
Over the course of ten days and 435 miles, an unbreakable bond is forged between pro adventure racer Michael Light and a scrappy street dog companion dubbed Arthur. As the team is pushed to their outer limits of endurance in the race, Arthur redefines what victory, loyalty and friendship truly mean.
Alerta Máximo
Production Design
O piloto Brodie Torrance salva seus passageiros de um raio pousando em uma ilha. Os moradores rebeldes e perigosos do local fazem a tripulação refém e Torrance procura ajuda de um passageiro acusado de assassinato.
Pantera Negra: Wakanda para Sempre
Art Direction
A rainha Ramonda, Shuri, M'Baku, Okoye e as poderosas Dora Milaje lutam para proteger sua nação após a morte do rei T'Challa. Com a ajuda da Cão de Guerra Nakia e de Everett Ross, eles tentam encontrar um novo caminho para Wakanda.
Meia-Noite no Switchgrass
Production Design
Um agente do FBI e um oficial do Estado da Flórida se unem para investigar uma série de casos de assassinato não resolvidos.
Clube da Luta Para Mulheres
Production Design
Quando Anna Wyncomb é apresentada a um submundo de luta feminina para lidar com toda a bagunça que está a sua vida, ela percebe que está mais conectada à história do clube do que imaginava, redescobrindo a si mesma, sua força interior e seu verdadeiro propósito.
A Força da Natureza
Production Design
No meio de um furacão, os policiais que evacuam o condomínio se juntam a um grupo de moradores quando assaltantes invadem o local.
Fragmentos de Amor
Art Direction
Rodrigo Borrero, afinador de piano, no passado, um compositor brilhante, se apaixona por Susana Mejia, uma sensual professora de natação e escultora que guarda um segredo sinistro no porão de sua casa. A paixão de Rodrigo por Susana e ainda mais histórias noite após noite, onde ela conta sobre seus amantes do passado, inspiram Rodrigo. Mas a dor sentida ao ouvir as histórias o leva a beira da paranoia: o ciúme obsessivo e um medo latente em se tornar um amante a mais dessas histórias assustadoras.
El Extraordinario Sr. Júpiter
Art Direction
Franco Júpiter has lived an extraordinary life. Abandoned as a child, he grew up wondering about the mysteries of the universe. This curiosity about life has made him capable of achieving powers one could ever dream of. Now an adult, Franco Júpiter discovers something that had been missing all his life... love.
Camino a Europa
An interracial couple, Seba and Cecilia, have lived a fully creative life as sculptor and photographer and have enjoyed traveling the world. But now that Cecilia has cancer, she fears she won't be able to enjoy the life she's had and wishes she could travel again. Seba uses his creative skills as artist to magically transport Cecilia on a journey through memories they've shared.
Camino a Europa
An interracial couple, Seba and Cecilia, have lived a fully creative life as sculptor and photographer and have enjoyed traveling the world. But now that Cecilia has cancer, she fears she won't be able to enjoy the life she's had and wishes she could travel again. Seba uses his creative skills as artist to magically transport Cecilia on a journey through memories they've shared.
Bem Vindo à Selva
Art Direction
O grupo de funcionários de uma empresa é enviado a umas férias na selva, com a ajuda do guia Storm. O que deveria ser uma viagem de descanso e autodescoberta acaba se transformando em um verdadeiro caos quando o piloto do avião fretado é encontrado morto, e ninguém sabe como fazer para voltar para casa.
Los condenados
Art Direction
Determined to restore her dying father's reputation, Ana travels to the remote town of Rosales. Decades ago, he settled there and opened his first free clinic for cancer research. He launched an illustrious medical career - and fell in love. Ana plans to celebrate her father's scientific and humanitarian achievements by transforming the old family mansion into a world-class museum. She will preserve his legacy, and also breathe new life into the forgotten Rosales. But the townspeople-now destitute and helpless-do not greet her warmly. Neither does the house.
Solteiros com Filhos
Art Direction
Julie e Jason são melhores amigos há muitos anos e decidem ter um filho juntos, mas mantendo suas vidas amorosas separadas. O plano parecia ótimo, mas os dois começam a namorar outras pessoas e arriscam a harmonia existente entre eles.
Velocidade Furiosa 5
Assistant Art Director
Dominic Toretto e sua equipa planeiam um grande assalto a um traficante poderoso de drogas das favelas do Brasil para comprar a liberdade, enquanto são seguidos por uma equipa de agentes especiais.
El viaje de Tortuga
Production Design
Tortuga is a young man who runs away from home seeking to escape reality. On the journey, he discovers that the solution to his problems is not leaving his community, but changing his views on his surroundings.
Production Design
Abandoned siblings Charlie, Pablo, Tito, and Marla live in a deteriorated city apartment that becomes their magical sanctuary. The landlord is unaware of their existence and tries to sell the apartment. But each time he shows the apartment, the children have done everything in their power to prevent the sale.
Abandoned siblings Charlie, Pablo, Tito, and Marla live in a deteriorated city apartment that becomes their magical sanctuary. The landlord is unaware of their existence and tries to sell the apartment. But each time he shows the apartment, the children have done everything in their power to prevent the sale.
Abandoned siblings Charlie, Pablo, Tito, and Marla live in a deteriorated city apartment that becomes their magical sanctuary. The landlord is unaware of their existence and tries to sell the apartment. But each time he shows the apartment, the children have done everything in their power to prevent the sale.
Meant To Be
Art Direction
A delightful romantic comedy about about a guardian angel who falls for the young woman he is protecting.
Art Direction
Henry is an introverted young artist who, seeking to escape the banality and violence of urban life, begins to blur the distinction between fantasy and reality.
Production Design
Henry is an introverted young artist who, seeking to escape the banality and violence of urban life, begins to blur the distinction between fantasy and reality.
Os Reis de South Beach
Art Direction
Baseado na chocante história real de Chris Paciello, chefão da noite em Miami, apelidado de “It Boy” pela revista People, KINGS OF SOUTH BEACH é um suspense sensual e repleto de ação! Chris Troiano (Jason Gedrick), um poderoso proprietário de casas noturnas, toma de assalto a região de South Beach em Miami na década de 1990, transformando essa calma comunidade de aposentados em um badalado lugar de diversões regado a drogas para os ricos e famosos. Quando Chris contrata como guarda-costas um cara misterioso e durão chamado Andy Burnett (Donnie Wahlberg), as habilidades de seu novo braço direito logo o levam à posição de melhor amigo. De repente, o passado violento do rico e poderoso Chris ameaça fazer desmoronar seu império da noite e colocar esses melhores amigos um contra o outro.
Art Direction
A being's emptiness is represented in this short by a marriage that cannot escape the vicious circle they are locked in, product of the irrationality of a society predestined to survive by the grace of money and not their emotional, cultural or identity attributes.