Santiago Sánchez


Leonore 40/45
Albert and Yvette fall in love in Paris but at a bad time. It’s 1941. He is an occupying German soldier and clarinettist. She is a young French-Czech pianist. When the post-war authorities declare ‘No marriage between enemies!’ who can help the young lovers? Enter Emile: part Emcee, part guardian angel. Leonore 40/45 is an opera written by Rolf Liebermann, Swiss composer and former artistic director of the Paris Opera. The style of the opera belongs to the 1950s, rooted in the 12-tone tradition of Schoenberg and Berg but lightened by lyric interludes and ‘semiseria’ sending up.
Meu Sonho, Seu Filho
Manuel e Lupe querem ter um filho. Quando Manuel descobre que é estéril, ele começa a desmoronar física e emocionalmente. Depois de explorar várias opções, ele recorre a Rubén, seu novo amigo, para ser seu doador. Em troca, Rubén pede para ficar alguns dias em sua casa com a promessa de ir para os Estados Unidos em breve.
Lost Girl
Director of Photography
Shattered by the unexpected news of their irreversible break-up, an aspiring orchestra conductor is puzzled by his girlfriend's mysterious and seemingly inexplicable case of disappearance.
My Soul Is Old
Director of Photography
Mina is a Korean teenager who lives in the ghetto of her nationality in Mexico City. The conservative environment of which he is a part is a major obstacle to growing up and coping with the world of pleasure that comes his way when he meets Joon.
Land of Nod
A love triangle between Mateo, Nadia and Tomas. The story of a friendship, the portrait of a paralyzed generation, the tale of how they live, love and find each other in their solitude.
Semana Santa
Chávez, Dali and Pepe belong to a middle class family who spends the Easter holydays at the beach.
Big Sky
Director of Photography
Big Sky se trada de um thriller psicológico onde Hazel, uma jovem que sofre de agorafobia (medo de grandes espaços abertos e lugares públicos) que, por intermédio de sua mãe (Kyra Sedgwick), decide embarcar numa viagem para tratar o seu distúrbio. Porém, no caminho, elas são abordadas por homens mascarados que deixam a mãe ferida. Daí pra frente, cabe apenas à Hazel buscar ajuda e, consequentemente, enfrentar os seus medos.
Dios los Junta y Ellos se Separan
Son of Adriana and Ricardo Henao
A mid-class Colombian family get into chaos when it's found out that the "Lord of the house", Benjamín, has been cheating on his wife for 20 years and has another son.