Remo Ugolinelli


Sun, Heart, Love
While her best friend Vale can afford to be a full-time performer, aspiring dancer Eli has an unemployed husband and four children to take care of, and works all day long in a cafe on the opposite side of the city, meaning she has to wake up before dawn and comes home late at night. Her kind and effervescent nature still manages to overcome this hardships.
An Italian Name
Paolo is an outgoing and handsome real estate broker married to Simona, a beautiful woman from the rough outskirts of Rome who has become an author of spicy bestsellers and is pregnant with their child. Betta, Paolo’s sister and her husband Sandro organise a dinner party with Paolo, Simona and their childhood friend, the eccentric musician Claudio. During the lively gathering Paolo reveals what he would like to name his son, causing reactions to steam up and a torrent of revelations to follow reaching climactic proportions.
A Woman as a Friend
Francesco and Claudia are best friends. They're inseparable and tell each other everything, until another man enters the picture stealing Claudia's heart. Francesco then realizes that friendship between man and woman is a complicated thing.
The Fifth Wheel
The life of a working-class boy in Rome through the '70s and '80s, choosing his own path with his lifetimes friends and family.
Eu e Você
Production Sound Mixer
Baseado no romance homônimo de Niccolo Ammaniti, o filme conta a história de Lorenzo, um garoto de 14 anos que, para evitar mais aborrecimentos com seus pais, mente que vai para uma viagem com sua turma e se fecha no porão de casa. Lá, porém, ele descobre uma jornada diferente, quando se aproxima de sua meia-irmã, muito mais velha, Olivia, viciada em heroína.
Diaz: Política e Violência
Diaz - Política e Violência reconstrói com brutal e chocante realismo os eventos acontecidos durante o último dia do encontro do G8 de 2001, em Gênova, quando mais de 300 policiais atacaram a escola Diaz, buscando ativistas em protesto. O resultado foi uma explosão de cruel e descontrolada violência.
Giulia Doesn't Date at Night
Guido, an acclaimed author, leads an idyllic life with his beautiful wife and teenage daughter. But despite his seemingly perfect existence, Guido's restless search for inspiration leads him into the arms of Giulia, a charming and mysterious swim instructor, who is hiding a secret from her past.
The Past Is a Foreign Land
A promising law student from a good family is driven by a cool cardsharper into a downward spiral of criminality, thus discovering an evil part of himself he has never known.
A Distância Justa
Um aspirante a jornalista investiga o assassinato de uma mulher que, um dia, ele amou. Após o suicídio do suspeito principal, ele descobre a verdade terrível por trás do crime.
A Estrela Imaginária
Uma jornada pelas fantásticas paisagens de uma China transformada, da agitada Xangai às fábricas nas áreas rurais. Um engenheiro italiano descobre um defeito em uma peça de uma das caldeiras que foram recentemente vendidas a uma empresa chinesa. Ele rastreia o paradeiro da caldeira, indo parar em algum lugar no meio do território chinês com a ajuda muito mais do que fugaz da tradutora que está passando por sua própria jornada frente as mudanças de valores que estão acontecendo no país.
Por Uma Hora a Mais com Você
Sound Mixer
Em 1972, após um longo processo de adoecimento mental, Liseli Marazzi Hoepli se suicidou, deixando sua filha Alina, de apenas sete anos. Tempos depois, a menina já adulta vasculha velhos filmes caseiros, diários, cartas e contas médicas, numa tentativa devastadora de dar voz à mãe e as histórias dela que não pode conhecer.
L'orizzonte degli eventi
Working Slowly (Radio Alice)
Bologna, 1976. The paths of two aimless young friends intertwine with those of Radio Alice, a pirate radio politically aligned with the leftist student movement.
For years, Andrei Evilenko eluded the obsessive Detective Lesiev and the psychiatric profiler Aron Richter. Spurred on by his rabid fury at the gradual crumbling of his precious Soviet Union, Evilenko is a man who will live, die and kill as a communist.
Ginger and Cinnamon
Stefania works in a bookshop. Shortly before closing for summer holidays, Andrea, who was left behind by his fiancée, enters the store.
Ritratti: Luigi Meneghello
Over the course of three days, Marco Paolini interviews Luigi Meneghello (1922-2007) about growing up under fascism, his involvement with the Italian resistance movement, his later self-exile, acclaimed literary work and its relationship with dialect.
Volesse il cielo!
A police inspector has to help an eccentric stranger who seems to have lost his memory.
Light of My Eyes
Antonio is a fallen angel, a rootless chauffeur in Rome, who relates only to the lonely heroes in the science fiction novels he grew up with. Only through a chance meeting with Maria, a woman struggling to hold onto her daughter and her business, does he discover a hope that's been in his detached existence.
This ensemble drama details the friendships that grow between survivors of the 1997 Umbria earthquake. The townsfolk—adults, children and foreigners alike—deal with various issues as they try to resume normal lives in a homeless situation.
Faccia di Picasso
The usual story of the young director who tells the movie that fails to do. Zany gags, quotes, the eternal exasperation to get at all costs to laugh, to any.
Ritratti: Andrea Zanzotto
Marco Paolini discusses with poet Andrea Zanzotto (1921-2011) about three themes: Nature, History, and Language.
Amore a prima vista
A man falls in love with a dude after a corneal transplantation.
Ritratti: Mario Rigoni Stern
Over the course of three days, Marco Paolini interviews Mario Rigoni Stern (1921-2008) about – among other things – his renowned experience as a soldier on the Eastern front during WWII, culminating in the infamous retreat of the Italian troops, the difficult reintegration into civilian life after the war, his relationship with his literary work and the one with his ancestral land, the Asiago Plateau.
My Best Friend's Wife
Roberto is a doctor in a small town near Naples. He suffers from a severe heart disease and he is heading toward an American hospital for a dangerous surgery with little or no hope of surviving. Therefore he talks to his best friend since childhood, Michele, a columnist at the local newspaper, explaining his last and long-wanted desire: having sex once with his Swedish beautiful wife, Frida.
I piccoli maestri
During the 20 months before Italy's liberation from Fascism, a group of university students trade empty rhetoric for action by joining the Partisans into the mountains of Nazi-occupied northern Italy. There, group leader Gigi falls in love with his best friend's girl. As the Resistance struggle continues, some of the "little teachers" are killed, and the brutal reality of war leaves its mark on their youthful idealism.
O Jantar
Sound Designer
Uma noite em um restaurante italiano. Recepcionados pela tolerante e tranquila Flora, vários tipos de pessoas de classe média - grandes e pequenos, jovens e velhos, fregueses e turistas, casados e solteiros - chegam para jantar, conversar, discutir, comemorar, fazer confissões, ouvir as discussões de outras pessoas, interrompê-las, cantar, ouvir música e aproveitar a vida. A câmera, assim como as pessoas, se move constantemente de mesa em mesa, na cozinha e na sala de trás para observar os pequenos ciúmes e frustrações da equipe - até que duas horas depois é hora de todos irem embora para casa.
Notes of Love
A woman suffering from compulsive-type psychological problems falls for an older divorced neighbour. Will her love be returned? A slow story of confusion and loneliness.
Auguri professore
Professor Lipari teaches in a public school and is in a full-on existential crisis. He has no faith in himself and in the possibility of changing the world for the better. At school, a former student of his who is also a teacher will change his attitude.
Il barbiere di Rio
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
La scuola
In a high school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day before the summer holidays. A literature teacher reminisces the past year and wonders what will become of the students he cared for as if they were his children.
Scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...
Neapolitan Diary
Johnny Stecchino
Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.
Rossini ! Rossini !
An funny, witty and bright biopic by the master of italian comedy Mario Monicelli about the famed italian composer Gioacchino Rossini, here portrayed in a wonderful way by famed actor and later director Sergio Castellitto.
Palermo 1936. Um funcionário do governo fascista, Tommaso Scalia, cometeu três assassinatos e se espera que seja condenado a pena capital, mas um juiz é contra a opinião geral, e partidário da prisão perpétua e tentará impedir a condenação de morte.
Willy Signori e vengo da lontano
Willy is involved in a fatal car accident. Willy takes on the responsibility of supporting the dead man's pregnant girlfriend and the child, after it's birth.
Caruso Pascoski (di padre polacco)
Psychiatrist Caruso is arguably as nutty as his patients. He can remember at two years old being completely besotted by the charms of a naked girl. Even today, he can think of little else besides sex, sex, sex.
Department Store
A series of skits involving customers and store personnel from several departments of the big department store.
Casablanca, Casablanca
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
Henry IV
Deranged after a fall from a horse, a man has lived for twenty years in a castle laboring under the delusion that he is Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. His psychiatrist concocts an elaborate scheme to shock him out of his medieval reverie.
Sound Designer
Andrei está escrevendo um livro sobre um compositor russo do século XVIII, refazendo seu caminho pela Europa para entender sua vida. Ao chegar a uma pequena e arcaica cidade italiana Andrei conhece Domenico, um homem que trancou a família em casa por 7 anos para protegê-los dos males do mundo; o homem é considerado louco por todos, mas Andrei vê algum sentido no que ele fez e cria uma certa obsessão por entendê-lo.
You Upset Me
The first movie directed by Roberto Benigni in four surreal short stories: "Durante Cristo" (During Christ), "Angelo" (Angel), , "In Banca" (At the Bank) and "I Due Militi" (The Two Soldiers). An excursus in Benigni's satirical views on man, religion and society.
The Eyes, the Mouth
Sound Recordist
A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.
Ad ovest di Paperino
Paixão de Amor
In the 1860's, Giorgio (Giraudeau), a young Italian soldier is sent to a remote post, far away from his lover, Clara (Antonelli). He is lodged in the house of the colonel (Girotti). He becames friends with the colonel and the local doctor (Trintignant). Among the inhabitants of the house, there is a strange young woman - Fosca (d'Obici) who is both unattractive and mad. However, she has a passion that Giorgio will have to cope with.
Paixão de Amor
Sound Designer
In the 1860's, Giorgio (Giraudeau), a young Italian soldier is sent to a remote post, far away from his lover, Clara (Antonelli). He is lodged in the house of the colonel (Girotti). He becames friends with the colonel and the local doctor (Trintignant). Among the inhabitants of the house, there is a strange young woman - Fosca (d'Obici) who is both unattractive and mad. However, she has a passion that Giorgio will have to cope with.
Con... fusione
Immacolata and Concetta: The Other Jealousy
A love story between two women in the Naples outskirts, a universe so far away from the glare of modernity, turbid, rural, completely naked in its ugliness and sorrow, where "people are talking".
Leap Into the Void
Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and now suffers from mental illness and suicidal thoughts. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. However, Mauro becomes unconsciously jealous of their relationship and tries to get Giovanni arrested.
The Burning Years
The Seagull
A young writer is trapped between his awful actress mother and the knowledge that he has only a mediocre talent as a playwright and almost no force of character.
Sound Engineer
Fit to Be Untied
Via the New York Times: "This documentary was distilled from a 3 1/2-hour television film Nessuno o Tutti, to make the point that many inmates now in mental hospitals could be released without harm to society, and to their advantage. Both patients -- chosen for their ability to talk before a camera -- and sponsors in the community at large are interviewed to promote the concept of the patients' re-integration into the outside world. Three men (Paolo, Angelo, and Marco -- a mentally handicapped youth) talk to the interviewers about their own perspectives, and while the success of the mentally handicapped working at one plant is illustrated, the implied excesses of hospitals run by the Catholic Church are also discussed. Filming was not allowed inside those institutions."
The Suspect
Fascism has forced the leadership of the Italian Communist Party to settle in Paris. In Italy arrests of militants are decimating the organization, so Emilio is sent on a mission in the area of Turin, to put out of harm whistleblowers.
The Time of the Beginning
A "symbolic" character traces the path of man in search of salvation in this world within his own ghosts and deformations.
The Flower with Petals of Steel
A doctor accidentally kills his girlfriend, when he causes her to fall onto an ornamental flower which has metal spikes. He disposes of her by chopping up and then dissolving her corpse. The woman's sister accuses the doctor and an investigation begins. In the meantime, a second woman is killed and the doctor begins to receive metal petals through the post...
L'Italia vista dal cielo: Liguria
Sound Director
The Devil's Lover
Creepy tale about a sorrowful night passed in a nightmarish castle, also the house of the demon. Many horror elements are mixed with erotic atmosphere.
L'Italia vista dal cielo: Toscana
Sound Engineer
From Our Copenhagen's Correspondent
Sound Recordist
Two American soldiers fresh from the Vietnam War are haunted by the atrocities that they witnessed and committed while on a vacation in Copenhagen, Denmark.