Eduard Sola


El bus de la vida
Através da Minha Janela 3: Olhos nos Olhos
Raquel e Ares não se esquecem um do outro, mesmo estando com pessoas novas. Será que eles vão superar a pressão familiar e ficar juntos no capítulo final da trilogia?
Through My Window: Across the Sea
Sequel to 'Through My Window'.
Androgenic Alopecia
Salvador Sunyer (Son) has been the creator of the spots for Temporada Alta Festival for the past ten years. Coinciding with the thirtieth anniversary of the festival, Salvador’s first daughter is born, and he feels like he no longer has the strength to continue to be the same person he thought he was.
Através da Minha Janela
Raquel é louca pelo vizinho Ares há muito tempo. Ela o observa de longe, mas nunca falou com ele. Será que vai dar match?
Se Organizar Direitinho…
Ao longo de uma noite de sexo e possibilidades, cinco histórias divertidas se entrelaçam. Nada sai como planejado, mas todos conseguem o que querem.
Black Is Beltza
Em outubro de 1965, algumas grandes figuras de San Fermín são convidadas a desfilar na Quinta Avenida de Nova York, mas são detidas antes disso por conflitos raciais.
Good Girls
Two sisters navigating the no man's land between childhood and adulthood have to deal with the consequences of their actions after one of the horses of their farm loses one eye.
Maria (e os outros)
Ever since her mum died when she was fifteen, Maria has taken care of her father and her siblings. Responsible and in control, she's always been a rock for the family and feels proud of her efforts. That's why her father's sudden love for his nurse and the announcement of their marriage brings Maria's world crashing down around her. At the age of 35 and unable to find a steady partner, she'll have to take the plunge and dare to change her own fate.
Ebre, del bressol a la batalla
In 1938 the Spanish Civil War has worn both armies and destroyed the mood of the people of both sides. The differences between national Republicans however are revealing: The fascist side has the unconditional support of arms and men facilitated by Hitler and Mussolini while the Republican army is ignored by a Europe more concerned of a possible World War than the fate of Spain. Thousands of young people between 17 and 18 rows are called by the republican army. These are the main characters, four young for whom the Battle of the Ebro will be the first direct contact with the war. This film tells the story of these young people forced to leave behind innocence and into whistling bullets.
All the Ways of God
A contemporary evocation of Judas Iscariot trying to escape from his own guilt after betraying his best friend. He wanders into a forest and lost in himself, meets a mysterious young man. The young companion will accompany him on this path of repentance and penance and help him deal with his feelings, understand his guilt and cope with he has done. This is the story of the last three days of a repentant.
Barcelona Christmas Night
Multiple love stories unfold in Barcelona during Christmas's Eve.
Hooked Up
Dois amigos americanos viajam até Barcelona em busca de festas, álcool, sexo e diversão. Assim conhecem duas jovens que os levam para uma casa isolada... que na verdade é o covil de uma entidade maléfica que irá despedaçar todos aqueles que entrarem nos seus domínios.
Noite de Verão em Barcelona
Durante o verão europeu, mais precisamente durante o mês de agosto, uma das épocas mais quentes do ano no continente, um espetáculo único, que não acontecerá novamente tão cedo, tem lugar: na noite do dia 18, o cometa Rose atravessa o céu de Barcelona. Por causa disso, mais de 500 histórias de amor florescem na cidade. Esta é a história de seis delas.