Chris McMullin


Virgens Inquietos
Camera Operator
Emily é uma estudante que descobre um vÍdeo sexual onde aparecem cinco membros do time de lacrosse. Quando Emily divulga o vídeo, ele se torna um escândalo em todo o país levando à expulsão vários estudantes.
O Jogo da Morte
Camera Operator
Dez anos depois de sofrer com o desaparecimento e a notícia da morte de sua filha, Eva Duncan começa a ser atormentada por um sujeito que diz ser o assassino e ameaça voltar a transformar sua vida num inferno.
Oh My Captain!
An emotionally moving short film that captures the struggle of young teenager Ethan (Charlie McDermott) who must face and accept the death of his father. The nautically themed film reflects on Ethan’s memories of his father and the time they spent on his fishing boat as well as his obsession and admiration with the characters and stories of Herman Melville’s epic sea novel Moby Dick.
Premonição 3
Steadicam Operator
Seis anos depois que um grupo de estudantes enganam pela primeira vez a morte, uma adolescente tem o pressentimento de que ela e seus amigos vão ter um acidente em uma montanha-russa. Quando a visão prova ser verdadeira, a estudante e os sobreviventes precisarão lidar com as repercussões de enganar a morte.
Steadicam Operator
ASPEN is a film about a town famous in the 19th century for silver mining and now known for its scenic splendor, mountains, skiing, hiking, music, intellectual activity and fashionable people. The film documents the daily life and activities of the people who live, work, visit and play in Aspen in the winter.
"B" Camera Operator
ASPEN is a film about a town famous in the 19th century for silver mining and now known for its scenic splendor, mountains, skiing, hiking, music, intellectual activity and fashionable people. The film documents the daily life and activities of the people who live, work, visit and play in Aspen in the winter.