Lenny Juma


The German King
Douala Chief
The unbelievable true story of Rudolf Manga Bell, an African king who leads a rebellion against Kaiser Wilhelm II's oppressive colonial rule at the start of World War 1.
Pesadelo de Marfim
Um ousado camponês precisa escapar de um grupo de terroristas internacionais depois de roubar uma carga ilícita de marfim.
Lost in Africa
Simon, an adopted boy of a Danish couple visiting Kenya with his mother, goes missing in Kibera slum. When his mother offers a reward on TV, the kidnappers are on the run.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - O Berço da Vida
Village Leader
Nesta aventura, Lara Croft viaja pelo mundo à procura do «Berço da Vida», um local antigo e perigoso, há muito esquecido, que lhe permitirá livrar o mundo do mal.
To Walk with Lions
Drama based loosely on the final years of Kenya game warden and lion-raiser George Adamson's life. An unofficial sequel to 'Born Free' (1966) and 'Living Free' (1972), which also dramatised the life of Adamson, this film picks up the life of George (Richard Harris) on the African wildlife preserve he runs with the help of his brother Terrence (Ian Bannen). When drifter Tony Fitzjohn (John Michie) arrives to work for the old men he initially takes poorly to the task, almost savaged by a lion on his first day and on the verge of leaving when he hears that his predecessor was killed in a similar incident. The arrival of a lion cub that Fitzjohn must care for and raise changes everything. Soon he finds himself helping the brothers in their fight to save lions - and, ultimately, the park itself - from the poachers, soldiers and corrupt government officials that threaten them.
The Great Elephant Escape
Two young boys help an elephant escape from an African animal orphanage when he is bought by a wealthy American. The trio dodge poachers, the police and lions on a journey they'll never forget.
As Montanhas da Lua
A lendária história real do capitão Richard Francis Burton e da tumultuada expedição do tenente John Hanning Speke para encontrar a nascente do rio Nilo.
Sheena, a Rainha das Selvas
2nd Policeman
Abandonada órfã no território Zambouli, a loira Sheena, é criada por uma nobre tribo e aprende a se comunicar telepaticamente com todas as criaturas. Ela tem sua primeira lição sobre o amor quando conhece Vic Casey, um esperto repórter de televisão. Na África, para cobrir a história de um jogador de futebol da realeza, o príncipe Otwani, Vic, logo se vê envolvido numa teia de intrigas políticas. E quando o malvado príncipe decide invadir a terra dos Zamboulis, é a hora de Sheena, resgatar Vic, e salvar seu idílico reino!