Muriel Evans

Muriel Evans

Nascimento : 1910-07-20, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Morte : 2000-10-26


Muriel Evans
Muriel Evans


Roll Wagons Roll
Ruth Benson
The Army sends Tex Masters to find out who is supplying Indians with military guns.
Westbound Stage
Joan Hale
A wagon train crossing the plains comes across the remains of other wagon trains that have been attacked by looters. Soon they too are attacked.
Miriam Jones
Mr. Jones overhears a doctor prescribe a diet he thinks is for him, but it's really for his dog.
The Rookie Cop
Fern, Joey's Girl
A rookie cop tries to prove his friend is innocent of a robbery, despite the police commissioner's objection to his use of a trained German Shepherd dog named Ace.
Boss of Lonely Valley
Retta Lowery
A rancher attempts to find the villain behind a land-stealing operation.
Law for Tombstone
Nellie Gray
A stagecoach line hires an agent to stop a string of robberies of gold shipments.
Headline Crasher
Edith Arlen
The popular B-flick team of Frankie Darro and Kane Richmond star in the slick quickie Headline Crasher. Little Frankie and Big Kane play a pair of roving journalists who investigate a politician (Richard Tucker) up for re-election. When it seems as though the politico is being set up for a fall by yellow journalists, Darro and Richmond try to get to the truth of the matter. The original story for Headline Crasher is credited to Peter B. Kyne, creator of the "Broncho Billy" western stories.
O Fim da Quadrilha
Agnes Randall
Hoppy clears Lucky on a charge of bank robbery and foils the plot of a crooked lawyer to rustle a herd of pedigree cattle and take over the valley.
Smoke Tree Range
Nan Page
A cowboy aids an orphaned girl whose cattle are being rustled by an outlaw gang.
Rich Relations
Trixie Lane
A secretary finds herself being romanced by a "ladies man". What she doesn't know is that it's her boss who really loves her.
Ten Laps to Go
Norma Corbett
Larry Evans, champion race car driver, is envied by his chief rival, Eddie DeSylva, who has more ambitions than merely winning the races; he has designs on the motor patent held by Corbett (Tom Moore), Larry's employer. Eddie also has a yen for Corbett's daughter, Norma, who prefers Larry. Eddie intentionally causes a race wreck that injures Larry and sends him to the hospital.
The Boss Rider of Gun Creek
Starr Landerson
A man impersonates his double to clear himself of a murder conviction.
The House of Secrets
Julie Kenmore
Two men stumble into an old mansion, and get involved with a crazed scientist, torture chambers and sinister medical experiments.
Missing Girls
Dorothy Benson
A couple of naïve girls get themselves unwittingly involved in the gambling racket in this Poverty Row production directed by the redoubtable Phil Rosen.
Two-Fisted Gentleman
June Prentice
Mickey, is a prizefighter whose bright career hits the skids when he comes under the guidance of Ginger, a female fight promoter, when he becomes involved with June Prentice and her high-society crowd.
Três Sobre a Pista
Mary Stevens
An evil gang is involved in both cattle rustling and the robbing of stagecoaches. Hoppy must stop them without help from the sheriff who turns out be a major outlaw himself.
O Galante Mr. Deeds
Theresa (uncredited)
O simplório e honesto Longfellow Deeds, de Mandrake Falls - Vermont, acaba herdando uma fortuna imensa. Ele precisará ir para a cidade grande, mas lidará com pessoas que só pensam em se aproveitar de sua fortuna e humildade. Uma delas é a repórter Babe Bennett, que fica amiga de Deeds somente porque está procurando uma boa história para seu jornal.
O Rei do Rio Pecos
Belle Jackson
Profiteer Alexander Stiles lays claim to a million acres of range in the Pecos River country, but a rancher named Claybor stands in his way as he has already claimed the water-rich location of Sweetwater as his own.
A Última Testemunha
Linda McHenry
Hoppy returns to find Johnny in trouble. Buck Peters has been shot by Porter who made it look like Johnny did it. When Johnny flees he runs into Linda. He takes a liking to her only to learn her father Shanghai is one of Porter's gang. Going after Shanghai, he gets captured by the gang and Porter now plans to kill him. But Hoppy is near by and Johnny will get unexpected help from Shanghai.
Silver Spurs
Janet Allison
Janet Allison witnesses Art Holden and his gang hold up the Station Agent. When she identifies Holden to the Sheriff, the Sheriff gives Holden an alibi. Janet and Jim Fentriss then find Holden's secret hideout. When Janet returns the next day to meet Jim, Holden makes her a prisoner and waits in ambush for Jim to arrive.
The New Frontier
Hanna Lewis
In 1889 pioneers race ahead of the law to claim free land in Oklahoma, forming wide-open towns. In one such, citizens elect Milt Dawson to challenge the self-appointed rule of gambler Ace Holmes, only to have him shot in the back. But leading the next batch of settlers is Milt's quick-on-the-draw son John, who gets help from friendly outlaws.
Nurse to You!
Muriel Chase
Cautious, frugal Charley is told by his insurance doctor that he has six months to live, and goes on to live life to the fullest.
The Throwback
Muriel Fergus
When Buck is young his cattle stealing father is killed. Now grown Buck returns home still carrying the burden of his father's reputation. When he is framed for rustling, he finds an object that identifies Milt Fergus, the brother of his girl friend, as the rustler. Getting bailed out of jail he and his Uncle Ford have a plan to trap Milt.
The Roaring West
Mary Parker
A 15-episode serial involving the land rush, gold mines, stolen maps, etc.
Have a Heart
Helen, Schauber's Secretary
Sally (Jean Parker) is engaged to be married, loves dancing and kids. But her life is ruined when an accident cripples her and her betrothed magnanimously offers to not back out of the marriage. After rejecting his offer she starts a doll shop and tries to save for an operation. From her doll shop window she watches children and talks to Jimmie (James Dunn) the ice cream man. She wants to know Jimmie better, but is terrified of rejection.
Amor Que Regenera
Wounded criminal Lucky Wilson takes refuge in a small Connecticut farm. He falls in love with the farmer's daughter who at first is unaware of his criminal record. Lucky is fully prepared to shoot his way out when the cops come calling, but he is softened by the daughter's affections.
The Big Idea
Honey, Ted's Fiancee
Ted Healy is the proprietor of the "Big Idea Scenario Company" (Ideas While You Wait). Unfortunately, various visitors to his one-room office constantly interrupt his train of thought. These include a man with a machine gun, a woman who empties waste baskets on the floor, and a trio of musicians who play "Marching Through Georgia" on various instruments.
Vencido pela Lei
Tootsie Malone
Jim Wade (William Powell) e Edward "Blackie" Gallagher (Clark Gable) são amigos de infância que seguem caminhos distintos. Gallagher se torna um jogador e gângster, enquanto Wade é eleito promotor, devido à sua integridade, e se candidata a governador. Eleanor Packer (Myrna Loy), que tivera uma forte relação com Blackie, se casa com Wade. Neste período Wade se vê obrigado a pedir a pena de morte ao amigo, que foi acusado de assassinato, sem imaginar que Blackie cometeu o crime para ajudá-lo a se eleger governador.
Heat Lightning
Blonde Cutie
A lady gas station attendant gets mixed up with escaped murderers.
Rainha Cristina
Barmaid at Inn (uncredited)
Naquele que é considerado seu maior papel, Greta Garbo interpreta a Rainha Christina de Suécia, que no Século XVII, chocou toda Europa ao renunciar o trono por amor à Don Antônio. O roteiro de H.M combinado à direção de Rouben Mamoulian fazem deste um dos melhores filmes já surgidos na usina de sonhos de Hollywood.
The Women in His Life
An immensely successful criminal lawyer is blindsided when he learns that his new case involves his ex-wife, who left him.
The Prizefighter and the Lady
An ex-sailor turned boxer finds romance and gets a shot at the heavyweight title.
Broadway to Hollywood
In this through-the-years saga about a show business family, the fame of husband and wife vaudeville headliners of the 1880s is eclipsed by their son.
Thundering Taxis
Mrs. Blocker
Rival Taxi Companies compete for business and make a slapstick mess of everything.
Arabian Tights
Miss Evans
Charley and his buddies are captured and imprisoned by an Arabian sultan.
His Silent Racket
James Finlayson manages to con Charley into becoming his partner in a failing dry cleaning shop that has been targeted by gangsters running a protection racket.
Nature in the Wrong
Charley, hoping to find cultured people in his ancestry in order to be suitable to Muriel's family, is tricked by his rival Ronnie into believing himself a descendant of Tarzan. Conked on the head, Charley suddenly believes he IS Tarzan.
Perdão, Senhorita
Gunner and Bucker are friends who work as riveters. Whenever Bucker gets the urge to marry, which is often, Gunner will hit on his girl to see if she is true or not. So far, Gunner hasn't failed. But one night, while Gunner is in jail, Bucker meets Mary, a tough dame with a line. He falls for her, and she falls for his money. But Mary is already a gal pal of Gunner, and no two know about the third one. The trouble starts when the triangle is revealed too late.
Fallen Arches
Muriel Gilbert
Told to "hike" out to his company's West Coast headquarters, Charley does exactly that.
Mr. Bride
Muriel Evans
Charley's boss "rehearses" for his honeymoon--with Charley.
Now We'll Tell One
Charley unwittingly puts on a belt that has the power to change the wearer's personality.
Girl Grief
Miss Evans
Although terrified of girls, Charley must take a job teaching at a girls school.
Hot Spot
When the boys end up with a half-naked woman in their cab, trouble ensues when her jealous husband appears.
Procura-se um Avô
Wrong Eddie's Bride
Em 1917, Stan e Ollie são convocados para lutar na Primeira Guerra Mundial. No exército, eles fazem amizade com Eddie Smith, um soldado que, antes de partir para o front, recebe uma carta da sua esposa o abandonando, mas deixando com ele a filha do casal. Eddie, porém, não volta da guerra. Stan e Ollie, ao retornarem, tentam resgatar a menina de um orfanato e levá-la até os pais de Eddie, porém a única informação que possuem é o sobrenome Smith, que é bem comum. E para piorar, os pais de Eddie não sabem da existência da menina.
Young Ironsides
Muriel Evans
Harry is hired by a rich family to stop their daughter from entering a beauty contest.
Good Night Nurse
A woman commits her hard-drinking husband to a sanitarium that would drive any man to drink.
Wife Trouble
Graves has a model come and demonstrate some lingerie at his office, with a view toward buying a birthday gift for his overly jealous wife. Said wife appears just at the wrong moment, and the scantily clad model has to go to extreme measures to avoid being caught, even ducking out on a fire escape.