Ting Fang Liu


I'll Follow You Down
Key Hair Stylist
Há anos, o jovem Erol e sua mãe Marika sofrem com o desaparecimento do pai da família. As circunstâncias inexplicáveis do sumiço levam Erol a pesquisar fenômenos sobrenaturais. Um dia, ele descobre a possibilidade de viajar no tempo através de portais, e parte em busca do pai desaparecido.
The Egyptian Job
Makeup Artist
In Egypt, 1888 Flinders Petrie finally broke in to the burial chamber of King Amenemhat III one of the wealthiest monarchs from the middle kingdom. After a year of digging, he finally peered into the resting place of the old king, only to find that the space had been stripped of everything. Four experts have been brought together to reopen the case to solve the mystery.