Efi Oikonomou

Efi Oikonomou

Nascimento : 1938-01-01, Piraeus, Greece

Morte : 2016-08-02


Efi Oikonomou
Efi Oikonomou


Που πας χωρίς αγάπη
Vicky Psarou
Γιακουμής, Μια Ρωμέικη Καρδιά
Giakoumis is a poor man with no family, working at the docks. One day he finds out that he has a very rich relative abroad.
Ο τελευταίος αιχμάλωτος
Αποστολή θανάτου
Αφροδίτη το κορίτσι που πόνεσε
Αν όλες οι γυναίκες του κόσμου
Μανωλάκης ο Τέντυ Μπόυς
Η κόρη μου η ψεύτρα
O emporakos
Sinful Women of the Night
Ο γυρισμός του στρατιώτη
Εισπράκτωρ 007
The Punk Of Fokionos Negri
A ruthless young man puts on eye the estate of a girl and after he is presented as in love with her, he is trying to convince her to give him all the money she has
Πρέπει να ζήσεις αγάπη μου
Του χωρισμού ο πόνος
To ftohopaido
Jenny Tragopoulou
Γιατί μ' εγκατέλειψες
Το Βλακόμουτρο
Οι Προικοθήρες
Διαζύγιο αλά Ελληνικά
Sofia Moshou
Ο Παράς Και Ο Φουκαράς
Cosmas (Kostas Hadjichristos) learns that his mother needs to be immediately subjected to surgery. He asks the help of a relative (Nikos Fermas) to cover the expenses. He finds it difficult to overcome them, as he tries to raise money to marry his eminent heart (Martha Vourtsi). His relative agrees to pay, but asks Kosma to marry the Spanish singer (Martha Karayiannis) of the cabaret she runs, so that she can stay legally in Greece. Marriage becomes a secular event and is publicized, creating in Kosmas many problems and misunderstandings with his fiancé. Ultimately, a series of happy times will cancel the fake marriage, mother's surgery, and leave Kosmas the money to marry and start married life with greater financial comfort.
Τύφλα Νάχη ο Μάρλον Μπράντο
An ordinary clerk decides to spend a few days vacationing in a hotel, but when he goes there, his life takes an unexpected turn. Everyone mistakes him for a famous poet, one known for his success with women. Soon, every girl in the area gets close to him, but what happens when the real poet arrives at the same hotel?
Jack of All Trades, Master of None
drug store's customer
Thanasis Vengos plays a poor young man that comes to Athens looking for a job. We watch as he tries many different jobs; druggist, photographer, even wrestling referee. The result is always hilarious and explosive!
Η μικρή ζητιάνα
Το μεγάλο μυστικό
Αμαρτίες γονέων
Όσα Κρύβει η Νύχτα
Εμείς τα μπατιράκια
Ο διαιτητής
A Patented Stupid Man
As Pelopidas is going around hungry, trying to find something to eat, a misunderstanding makes him seem like a thief. In order to escape his persecutors, he runs trying to hide. He hitchhikes and gets a ride by a truck, whose driver happens to be his fellow villager who knows the runaway’s past. Pelopidas has been working hard since his childhood, but due to his naivety nobody is serious with him. His return to the village where was born gets him mixed up in more trouble.
An eccentric and little crazy professor of astrophysics, helped by his assistant and by a naive admirer of science fiction, working for the launch of the first manned rocket into space.
Πονεμένη μητέρα
One Drachma Jasmine
Alexis and Anna-Maria fall in love each other after a car accident. Alexis is rich and Anna-Maria is studying music. Her grandfather, a renowned conductor, now plays music in tavernas to win his bread. A boy who sells jasmine helps the couple stay together in the difficult moments.
Η Αυγή του Θριάμβου
Ηδονή και πάθος
Λύγκος ο λεβέντης