Um registro coletivo da vida de milhares de pessoas, que colocaram num único dia suas imagens pessoais na plataforma YouTube.
Filmed primarily in Alaska, The Aquarium contrasts the openness of the primeval Arctic landscape with the entrapment of captured sea mammals in aquariums. It speaks of the progressive destruction of these animals’ habitat, seeing beyond the alluring spectacle.
Dolby Consultant
Em 2047, uma missão de resgate é mandada para encontrar a "Event Horizon", uma nave que desapareceu misteriosamente sete anos atrás, quando explorava os limites do sistema solar. Mas ao encontrá-la os astronautas que integram a missão de resgate vão gradativamente tomando consciência do terrível mistério que os cerca.
Dolby Consultant
Em pleno Outono de 1997, uma galeria americana decide comprar, através da dádiva de um milionário, um importantíssimo quadro que estava em Paris. Para reforçar a importância do acontecimento a galeria pediu à Royal National Gallery de Inglaterra que enviasse o seu mais ilustre conhecedor de arte no sentido deste apresentar a obra. Este seria o maior erro da história da Grierson Gallery, pois os Ingleses não lhe iriam disponibilizar a pessoa que eles tanto pretendiam. O "escolhido" seria o empregado mais detestável que possuíam, pois era a única forma que encontraram para se verem livres dele. Quem é o famoso empregado? Mr. Bean. 007 é o seu Q.I.
Dolby Consultant
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
Dolby Consultant
The story, which is set in a small village on a remote Scottish Island, centres around the gifted Callum who is in his final year at school and preparing to go to University in Aberdeen on the mainland. He receives private tuition from Charles McAllister a former Headmaster at the village school who has become bitter since the death of his wife. McAllister coaches Callum in French and Poetry. When he is not coaching Callum he is compiling a photo biography of the characters in the village. The wedding of the young village nurse is to form the centre piece of his biography. The story traces the life of characters in the village as recorded by McAllister, but seen through the eyes of Callum. It is the story of the life, loves and motivators in the life of young man in the process of breaking free from the place where he grew up.
Dolby Consultant
In 1939, Ramón was a young man, caught up in his Barcelona family's involvement on the Republic side in the brutal Spanish Civil War. He and his family fled into exile ahead of Franco's troops. Now it is many years later, and he has come back to see how his old homestead fared in the intervening years. The only person he can find who is able to remember those years clearly is his family's old butler Claudio.
Dolby Consultant
Dolby Consultant
With the help of government-issued pamphlets, an elderly British couple build a shelter and prepare for an impending nuclear attack, unaware that times and the nature of war have changed from their romantic memories of World War II.
Dolby Consultant
Eles são imortais destinados a viver para sempre, mas têm de bater-se em duelo através dos tempos até que reste apenas um. Só a decapitação pode libertá-los desta longa batalha através do tempo na busca de um prémio incrível: poder para além da imaginação.