John Woodvine
Nascimento : 1929-07-21, Tyne Dock, South Shields, County Durham, England
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John Woodvine (born 21 July 1929) is an English stage and screen actor who has appeared in more than 70 theatre productions, as well as a similar number of television and film roles.
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The Preacher
A wildlife volunteer on an uninhabited island off the British coast descends into a terrifying madness that challenges her grip on reality and pushes her into a living nightmare.
A Song For Jenny is the true story of Julie Nicholson's response to her daughter Jenny’s murder in the July 7th bombing at Edgware Road tube station. Starring Emily Watson as Julie, A Song For Jenny details the dramatic and profound impact of violence on one woman and a family.
Lord Provost
"Burke & Hare" é um remake do filme de humor negro da década de 70 sobre dois ladrões de sepultura do século XIX que fornecem cadáveres para uma escola de medicina de Edimburgo.
Father Connolly
Um dos maiores mafiosos de Boston misteriosamente desaparece, e o horror se instala nas ruas. Com o mundo do crime sem uma liderança forte, perigosos assassinos e policiais corruptos agem deliberadamente na cidade. Enquanto isso, Madso, líder de uma imponente gangue local, vai lutar contra o tempo para encontrar um tesouro escondido pelo mafioso.
Player King
David Tennant estrela um filme da premiada produção da peça de Shakespeare da Royal Shakespeare Company. A produção de vestidos modernos do diretor Gregory Doran foi aclamada pela crítica como emocionante, rápida e, em partes, muito engraçada.
Host Paul Davis takes a trip through some of the iconic backdrops of John Landis' 1981 werewolf classic An American Werewolf In London. The original cast and crew tell the story of how the film was made over a quarter of a century ago featuring rare footage and never before seen photos.
Dr Nickel
Memphis cop Lieutenant McKenzie is called in to investigate a series of strange deaths and wierd sightings following the resurrection of a murder victim from the 1950s(a local boy) who is brought back to life in modern times and tries to find his teenage sweetheart who is now aged 62 and also to seek revenge for his death.
Guesthouse Owner
A divorcee takes his children on a trip to Cornwall.
Biting political satire starring Robert Lindsay as a beleaguered Tony Blair, who stubbornly refuses to see the danger he faces from a Special Tribunal on Iraq that has been set up to investigate war crimes
Sir Nigel
A história de Beatrix Potter, autora do amado e mais vendido livro infantil, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", e sua luta pelo amor, felicidade e sucesso. As criações de Beatrix Potter, a escritora de livros infantis mais inspirada de todos os tempos, encantou gerações. Várias de suas histórias foram adaptadas para o teatro, cinema e televisão, mas sua vida foi sua história mais impressionante. Mesmo vivendo em uma sociedade altamente rígida, tornou-se um fenômeno da literatura e um exemplo de mulher no início do século XX. Em uma época em que a maioria das mulheres de sua classe social desejava apenas conseguir um bom casamento, Beatrix tornou-se um ícone por defender aquilo em que sempre acreditou.
Lord Bareacres
Reese Witherspoon, vencedora do Oscar de Melhor Atriz, é Becky, uma órfã que sonha fazer parte da alta sociedade de Londres. Depois de trabalhar como governanta numa propriedade rural, ela é convidada a viver na cidade por Matilda, uma tia da família a quem serve. Unida com uma amiga que nasceu em berço de ouro, ela tenta a todo custo se integrar na alta sociedade. Acaba se envolvendo com um membro da família de Matilda e se casa secretamente com ele. Mas Matilda descobre e expulsa os recém-casados de sua casa. Grávida, Becky vai morar com sua amiga enquanto seus maridos vão para a guerra. Quando seu marido volta, a situação está difícil para todos por causa da guerra. É quando Becky conhece um benfeitor que pode realizar seu maior sonho, mas pode custar-lhe muito, muito caro.
Uncle Howard
Based on the controversial novel by Philippa Gregory, "The Other Boleyn Girl" is a fictionalised account of the life of Lady Mary Boleyn who becomes mistress to England's king, Henry VIII, before being ousted by her younger sister, Anne. Mary leaves the Court to marry a commoner, but returns when Anne embarks on a reckless policy to save herself from ruin.
A woman is held for ransom by a bitter past acquaintance who threatens to disclose a secret that could destroy her.
Adm. of the Fleet Sir Terence Lewin (Chief of the Defence Staff)
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
Adm. of the Fleet Sir Terence Lewin
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
Sir Hugh Dalrymple
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower and his crew are captured by the enemy while escorting a Duchess who has secrets of her own.
Admiral Croft
Há sete anos, Anne Elliot rompeu seu noivado com Frederick Wentworth por pressão familiar porque ele era apenas um pescador. Agora, a família Elliot aluga sua casa para o Almirante Croft, e Anne descobre que Frederick se tornou um rico capitão, em busca de uma esposa. Mas será que ele vai casar com uma de suas pretendentes ou vai perdoar Anne?
Se parte da premissa que a Alemanha venceu a 2ª Guerra Mundial, após repelir o ataque dos aliados no Dia D. A ação se desenrola em uma Alemanha fictícia dos anos 60, que estando em guerra com a União Soviética precisa se aliar aos Estados Unidos e deve receber o presidente americano para selar o pacto. Um oficial da SS, Xavier March (Rutger Hauer) começa a ficar intrigado com certos "suicídios" e "acidentes" e, com Charlie Maguire (Miranda Richardson), uma repórter americana, começa a investigar as mortes, que escondem uma verdade tão grave que pode comprometer a aliança.
Lester MacIntyre
A young man must risk his life to save his fire-breathing friend from the unscrupulous owner of an amusement park.
Godfrey Blengdale
Receiving a tip from his dentist Jack Shorter, policeman Peter Pascoe takes a closer look at the Calliope Kinema Club, a film club notorious for showing adult entertainment movies. Shorter is convinced that one particular scene in a movie he recently saw was too realistic to have been staged with fake blood, but when Pascoe and his bluff superior Andy Dalziel starts investigating, they soon comes across the actress in question, Linda Abbott, who obviously didn't suffer from any harm and assures Pascoe that the concerns are unnecessary.
Herr Deimen
Joseph K. awakes one morning, to find two strange men in his room, telling him he has been arrested. Joseph is not told what he is charged with, and despite being "arrested," is allowed to remain free and go to work. But despite the strange nature of his arrest, Joseph soon learns that his trial, however odd, is very real, and tries desperately to spare himself from the court's judgement.
An irreverent comedy is set in motion when Leon Geller, a sensitive Jewish boy from London, accidentally learns that his is the product of artificial insemination.
Thomas Earnshaw
No final do século XVIII, em uma área rural da Inglaterra, surge com o tempo uma violenta paixão entre Catherine Earnshaw (Juliette Binoche) e o cigano Heathcliff (Ralph Fiennes), seu irmão adotivo. Criados juntos, eles são separados pela morte do pai de Catherine e a crueldade de como Hindley Earnshaw (Jeremy Northam), seu irmão, trata Heathcliff. Quando Heathcliff fica sabendo que ela vai casar com Edgar Linton (Simon Sheperd), um homem rico e gentil, Heathcliff foge para fazer fortuna, ignorando o fato de que Catherine o ama, e não o futuro marido. Dois anos depois, Heathchliff retorna para vingar-se de Hindley e Edgar e do abandono que Catherine lhe infligiu.
A father and son set up a firm of bailiffs to seize the property of poll-tax dodgers.
The Chamberlain / Father (voice)
Based on a Russian folk tale. A proclamation went out through all the land that whosoever could build a flying ship would win the hand of the Tsar's daughter. The youngest son of a simple peasant shows up to claim her, and the dumbfounded Tsar quickly has second thoughts, setting several 'impossible" tasks for 'The Fool of the World' and his remarkable friends.
Tom Clarke
Docudrama film exploring the efforts of World in Action researchers Ian MacBride and Chris Mullin in proving that the "Birmingham Six" only admitted to the bombing under extreme duress, and that the five IRA members were in fact responsible for the deadly attacks
Menino inglês lidera a luta contra ganancioso especulador que quer tomar as terras de pequena cidade do interior.
Set in working class Newcastle, the Stott family fight their private battles against the backdrop of the conflict of World War II. Helen Stott, over thirty and with a limp, is resigned to being left on the shelf until she meets and falls in love with Norman, a serviceman from London. In contrast, her younger sister Joyce has quite a way with men, and finds herself a little too popular with the troops, especially when her husband pops up on leave from his regiment.
Speaker of the Prologue (voice)
Judith arrives at Bluebeard's dark castle hoping her love can convince him to reveal the secrets behind the locked interior doors.
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Based on a play, the story details the dramatic negotiations between UK, France, Poland, Nazi-Germany and USSR from the day Czechoslovakia fell, until Britain's declaration of war on Germany caused by Hitler's invasion of Poland.
Dr. Seddon
Rupert Purvis jumps off a bridge onto a dog, causing problems for Blair, his superior at MI5. Blair must convince Hogbin, the agent who's been tailing Purvis, of which side Purvis is really on--once he finds out what it is.
Satirical and surreal play by Arthur Ellis, dealing with the manner in which the British police force has been represented on TV for four decades. In 1949 Tom Riley is arrested for the murder of PC George Dixon. As he awaits interrogation at the station he is mysteriously transported into an episode of The Filth - a 1988 police series where the hard men rule, where he is told by the local CID that he'll be confessing to the murder or else his genitals are getting cut off ! This black comedy questions whether the police have changed or is it the way film and television present them.
Dr. John MacLeod
Glory Enough for All is the 1988 television movie depicting the discovery and isolation of insulin at the University of Toronto by Frederick Banting and Charles Herbert Best. It won the 1989 Gemini award for best miniseries.
William Danby
In an unscripted inquest, three practicing barristers interrogate actors portraying relevant figures of the 16th century in order to determine what really happened to the playwright and poet, Christopher Marlowe.
Dr. Frobisher
Adaptation of Terence Rattigan's play produced for the BBC in 1985.
Chief Inspector
Twin sisters trade places with unexpected results.
Christian Gilbranson
When Miss Marple arrives at palatial Stonygates, one thing is certain. Before there's time to lather a warm scone with marmalade and place a tea cozy, murder most foul is bound to occur.
King Antiochus
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Meister West 468
An account of how Lech Walesa and the "Solidarity" trade union confronted the might of Communist dictatorship in Poland.
Dr. J. S. Hirsch
Dois jovens turistas americanos, David Kessler (David Naughton) e Jack (Griffin Dune) estão em excursão pela Europa, viajando a três meses. Passando por uma região rural da Inglaterra, são mal-vistos pelos habitantes locais quando adentram uma espécie de bar ou estalagem. Ao saírem, recebem os mais esquisitos avisos: “Mantenham-se na estrada e afastem-se dos pântanos” e “Cuidado com a lua”. Mesmo assim, os jovens embrenham-se na escuridão e não percebem que estão sendo seguidos por uma criatura terrível.
The final segment of the Key to Time is at the heart of a devastating war between neighbouring planets Atrios and Zeos. The Fourth Doctor discovers that a sinister entity is manipulating events and the cost of obtaining the final segment may be more personal than he imagined.
Macbeth is a 1978 videotaped version of Trevor Nunn's Royal Shakespeare Company production of the play by William Shakespeare. Produced by Thames Television, it features Ian McKellen as Macbeth and Judi Dench as Lady Macbeth. The TV version was directed by Philip Casson. The original stage production was performed at The Other Place, the RSC's small studio theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. It had been performed in the round before small audiences, with a bare stage and simple costuming. The recording preserves this style: the actors perform on a circular set and with a mostly black background changes of setting are indicated only by lighting changes.
"Whether priest or thespian, never once let yourself doubt that the role you're playing is real. Lead your little flock from childhood to the grave via God's sweet sacraments and let no doubts intrude -ever. Once you start to question - you're finished."
Matt Fenrek
CIA team in Greece tries to capture a major drug dealer.
This historical drama is an account of the early life of British politician Winston Churchill, including his childhood years, his time as a war correspondent in Africa, and culminating with his first election to Parliament.
Louis Trincant
Ambientado durante o violento regime católico que tomava conta da França nos idos de 1631, parte da suposta possessão de uma madre-superiora cujas fantasias sexuais com o mais proeminente padre do vilarejo de Loudon resulta num dos mais sangrentos episódios daquela era.
Bertie Irons
A young woman's highly ordered and structured life is turned upside-down when she meets a handsome stranger at a party. Friendship soon develops into romance and for the first time in her life she is truly happy. This happiness is short lived, however, as little by little she discovers her partner has been lying to her about his past. It is soon revealed that he and his friends have been planning to rob the auction house that she works for and they require her inside knowledge in order to pull off the crime.
Customs Officer (uncredited)
Diana Scott é uma modelo ambiciosa determinada a chegar ao topo. Usando sua sexualidade, ela controla os homens poderosos à sua volta, mas acaba se tornando prisioneira do estilo de vida que tanto desejava.