Jakob Pochlatko


A Tabacaria
Franz é um rapaz de 17 anos de idade que chega a Viena para trabalhar como aprendiz em uma tabacaria. Ali, ele conhece Sigmund Freud, um cliente frequente. Com o passar do tempo, os dois, apesar de origens muito distintas, desenvolvem uma amizade única. Quando Franz se apaixona perdidamente pela dançarina Anezka, ele busca os conselhos de seu amigo Sigmund, que, apesar de ser um renomado psicanalista, admite que o sexo feminino é um grande mistério para ele em termos românticos. A tensão política e social aumenta dramaticamente na Áustria, piorando com a chegada dos nazistas à capital. Franz, Sigmund e Anezka se perdem no meio do caos da cidade e cada um terá uma decisão difícil para tomar: ficar ou fugir de Viena?
Killing Stella
KILLING STELLA is an ice-cold examination of a failed marriage and the self-reproach of a wife and mother. It is a prequel to THE WALL in both literary and cinematic terms.
They Called Him Spencer
SIE NANNTEN IHN SPENCER follows two of Bud Spencer's biggest fans on a road trip through Europe in search for their idol, who captured the hearts of millions and had so much more to offer than his legendary hammer-like fist blow.
Die Notlüge
Hubert and Helga are separated. Hubert has not yet told her about it in order to spare his heart-broken mother. On her 80th birthday he finally wants to tell the truth. The feast takes its course, until at the end all are exhausted, hurt, drunk and desperate and even do not know exactly what they really want. And then, at the right moment, Hubert takes the floor and - lies.
Gabi, a supermarket employee, leads an ordinary life between family and job, between single-family home and local food store. One day when Gabi comes home from work, something happens that changes her life in a single moment. It isn’t visible, it makes no sound, and yet it strikes her like a bolt from the sky – an encounter with God.
The Real Beauty and the Beast
Line Producer
It's a condition known as "hypertrichosis" or "Ambras Syndrome," but in the 1500s it would transform one man into a national sensation and iconic fairy-tale character. His name: Petrus Gonsalvus, more commonly known today as the hairy hero of Beauty and the Beast.