Peter Minygululu


Charlie's Country
Old Lulu
Blackfella Charlie is getting older, and he's out of sorts. The intervention is making life more difficult on his remote community, what with the proper policing of whitefella laws that don't generally make much sense, and Charlie's kin and ken seeming more interested in going along with things than doing anything about it. So Charlie takes off, to live the old way, but in doing so sets off a chain of events in his life that has him return to his community chastened, and somewhat the wiser.
Dez Canoas
Na Austrália, quando havia somente as tribos aborígenes, dez homens vão ao pântano coletar ovos de gumang, uma espécie de ganso. Dayindi, um jovem guerreiro, corteja a mulher mais nova de seu irmão mais velho. Para que ele aprenda os costumes corretos, contam a ele a lenda de um passado mítico.