Małgorzata Pieczyńska

Małgorzata Pieczyńska

Nascimento : 1960-05-04, Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland


Małgorzata Pieczyńska
Małgorzata Pieczyńska


O psie, który jeździł koleją
Until Frank Separates Us
Vera's 40th birthday is approaching and she's tired of being single. She'e desperately in love with her colleague Frank, but her tired life-coach wants her to lower her standards, lock-on a more resonable guy and get on with her life.
Letters to Santa 2
Monika's Mother
In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!
Johan Falk: O Último Ato
Ryska Kvinnan
Todos os tópicos se juntam neste filme final do GSI. Johan Falk tenta resolver o problema com a mafia de Kavkaz que está ameaçando sua família. Seus colegas apreendem alguns documentos que são críticos em sua investigação de uma grande rede criminosa multinacional.
Johan Falk: Bloqueio Total
Ryska Kvinnan
Um ataque ocorre dentro da principal delegacia de Gotemburgo e o prédio fecha imediatamente, para que ninguém possa entrar ou sair. Ao mesmo tempo, um grande julgamento começa no prédio ao lado, onde Vijay Khan, arqui-inimigo de Seth Rydell, está apelando de seu veredicto, já que o GSI costumava usar métodos ilegais.
Johan Falk: Diamantes de Sangue
Ryska kvinnan
O GSI segue uma trilha de armas que as leva diretamente para a sede da máfia Kavkaz, na costa oeste. Um membro do GSI, Niklas Saxlid, é enviado como um agente secreto para descobrir o que estám fazendo. Mas a mafia percebe um traidor no meio e Niklas desaparece. Enquanto isso, Johan Falk confronta uma mulher misteriosa que ameaça sua família.
Johan Falk: Diplomacia Silenciosa
Ryska Kvinnan
Quando Johan e seus colegas espionam a gangue de Seth, eles descobrem um caso grande e complexo. Eles observam que Seth está vendendo armas para terroristas dentro de um carro com um ex-parceira de Johan - Pernilla. Johan deve descobrir por que seu parceira está envolvida nisso. Por outro lado, Jack, outro membro da gangue, começa a suspeitar que Seth está trabalhando com a polícia.
Johan Falk: De Mal a Pior
Ryska Kvinnan
Johan Falk viaja para Letônia. O que ele encontra em Riga e escandaloso pra ele e pra uma nova chefe da unidade especial da polícia de Gotemburgo, Sophie Nordh e ex-chefe Patrik Agrell: um grupo da máfia letã está coletando camihnao militares soviéticos escondidos com armas de fogo. E tudo vai para a Suécia
Big Love
Emilia's mother
Emilka meets the slightly-older Maciek out at a club one night. He shows Emilka—who was brought up by a single mom—a whole new world filled with desire, passion, restlessness and rebellion. The girl moves in with him and at first everything seems just perfect, but gradually Emilka discovers her separate identity, and starts to grow apart from him. When her dream of becoming a singer comes true, Maciek feels threatened. A toxic love game begins, full of lust and jealousy.
Joanna Burska
While the days drag by in prison, an inmate nicknamed Lawstorant (Zbigniew Buczkowski) passes the time by planning the ultimate heist -- a foolproof plan involving a bogus warehouse and enough profit to secure his financial future. But Lawstorant's decision to hook up with the risk-taking Fragler (Michal Wisniewski), the man-eating Monika (Jolanta Mrotek) and the binge-drinking Kazio (Tomasz Sapryk) may spoil a foregone conclusion.
The Babylon Syndrome
Pauline's mother
When Maja's boyfriend travels to India for a couple of months, she is left with no place to stay. She begins lodging with Mattias, a young unemployed man with a group of slacker friends and a 'seize the day' attitude to life. At first terrified by their irresponsibility, she soon finds herself drawn into their orbit.
Quo Vadis
Marcus Vinicius encontra Lygia em Roma e se apaixona. Mas ela é cristã e não quer nada com ele. Marcus decide seqüestrá-la, mas Ursus, seu guarda-costas, captura Marcus. Depois disso, Lygia se apaixona, mas Marcus deve ir encontrar-se com o Imperador Nero. Após a reunião, alguém diz a Marcus que Nero queimou Roma. Marcus decide voltar a Roma e procurar por Lygia.
20 lat później
Ewa Hauser, matka Moniki i Wolfa
Ekstradycja odcinek 1
Sabina Borkowska, siostra Halskiego
Polski Crash
Bożena, siostra Aliny
Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating without obstacles across borders. One of the more lucrative "businesses" is the trade in luxury cars, stolen in Germany and transferred to Russia by Russia.
Den gråtande ministern
Anja Galik
The Defence Minister Sven Cedevall, a popular politician and happily married family father, isn't the kind of man who should risk what he got for a temporary relation. But when he by chance meets the Polish waitress Anja there is no turning back. Against his will and sense he's drawn to her. What begins with love develops later to a violent end.
Czy ktos mnie kocha w tym domu
Anna Bonar
Piłkarski poker
Irena, żona Laguny
A comical behind the scenes look at the Polish Football League where everybody involved including the clubs’ management, players, and referees are trying to get some.
Janina Orłowska
Não Matarás
Fortune Teller
Quando um jovem polonês desempregado, obcecado pela violência, mata friamente um motorista de taxi, um advogado recém-formado é designado para defendê-lo. Kieslowski demonstra através dos três protagonistas a anatomia de um crime e os meandros da justiça de um Estado totalitário.
Funeral Ceremony
After the death of a respected academician, who in his private life was a tyrant and a phony, the family awaits arrival of a prodigal son to begin the ceremony. However, the deceased has prepared a vengeance for his disappointing sons...
A story of a young woman arrested by police on the day of her wedding for embezzlement, and promptly sentenced to life. She is already pregnant and has her baby in prison. Immediately after birth they are separated and only later Klara finds out that the child had a spine injury in an orphanage. After the years her sentence is shortened and she is released from prison on parole after 12 years.
Sons and Comrades
A Pole who spent time in an internment camp during the war on the Swiss-German border, visits the site many years later and recalls these days. He meets with other Poles confined in the same camp, including several women, in whose he had romantic interests.
The Faithful River
Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor with an old servant.
Blue Eyes
Janina Hansson
Politics, extremism and violence in Sweden. An extreme right-wing party is heading towards its best election result when the chief of staff at the Justice Department disappears without a trace.