Sergei Komarov

Nascimento : 1891-03-02, Moscow, Russian Empire

Morte : 1957-12-23


Two six-graders are trying to find the Stalin's pipe and return it to the owner.
Minin e Pojarsky
Knyaz Trubetskoi
Produção soviética de cunho patriótico sobre os heróis defensores russos contra a invasão de Moscou por tropas polonesas em 1611.
German Colonel
The year is 1919. German troops retreat from Ukraine. The Directory, the Ukrainian national government lead by Symon Petliura, takes control of Kyiv. Meanwhile, the Bolshevik division commanded by Mykola Shchors is marching on the capital. The Bolsheviks capture the cities of Vinnytsia, Zhmerynka, and others one by one, but lose Berdychiv to Petliura’s forces. They are demoralized by the defeat. By his personal example of courage and military skill, Shchors inspires the retreating Red troops and leads them to victory over the enemy.
11 июля
À Beira do Mar Azul
Um barco naufraga no Mar Cáspio perto do Azerbaijão. Os dois marinheiros são salvos e levados para uma ilha. Lá, ambos se apaixonam pela mesma garota. A disputa pelo mesmo amor será uma grande prova de amizade e camaradagem.
Cosmic Journey
Pavel Ivanovich Sedikh, academician
Soviet cinematographers created a progressively realistic image of a journey to the moon in these early days of special effects. Scientist Pavel Sedikh grows impatient with the restrictions of the conservative Soviet space institute in Moscow. Sedikh builds his own spacecraft, and accompanied by a female astronaut and a boy, he embarks on a the first human trip to the moon.
Alexander Petrovich Greshin
As mudanças que a Rússia sofreu durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, em uma aldeia na fronteira russo-alemã. Soldados enfrentam os traumas, em casa a guerra altera o povo, amizades desfeitas pelo nacionalismo, e um romance entre um prisioneiro de guerra russo e um alemão é recebido com desconfiança.
The Happy Canary
Actress Brio working in a cafe "The Happy Canary", does not suspect that her new acquaintances Brianski and Lugovec are Communists sent by an underground committee to fight the enemy's counter-intelligence
Naturally, the circus milieu of 2 Buldy 2 (1929) encourages stunts. A father and son, both clowns, are to perform together for the first time, but the civil war separates them, and the elder Buldy, tempted for a moment to acquiesce to the White forces, casts his lot with the revolution. At the climax Buldy Jr. escapes the Whites thanks to flashy trampoline and trapeze acrobatics; the gaping enemy soldiers forget to shoot.
A Casa na Praça Trubnaia
O filme acompanha uma cabeleireira que quer contratar uma empregada doméstica não sindicalizada e escolhe Parasha na aldeia.
The Doll with Millions
The rich widow Madame Collie leaves the fortune to her lost niece Maria Ivanova. Two cousins of Maria go from Paris to Moscow in order to search her. They have to find a 17 year old girl with the birthmark on her right shoulder. The documents of the heiress are hidden in her doll.
Pater Bsheshinski
A Socialist Realist distortion of Dr. Paul Kammerer's experiments in the inheritance of acquired character(istic)s -- the (not entirely anti-Darwinian) conjecture that certain changes the environment produces in an individual may spontaneously appear in the next generation. As recounted in Arthur Koestler's The Case of the Midwife Toad (1971), Kammerer (1880-1926) claimed that darkened footpads he had artificially induced in a toad had been passed on to its offspring. When it was discovered that his critical specimen had been injected with ink (though why and by whom is still unknown), his credibility was destroyed and he apparently suicided. Richard Goldschmidt's synopsis of the film in "Research and Politics," Nature (1949), mocks it as Soviet propaganda in support of the inheritance of acquired characters: The importance attached to the subject is revealed by the facts that none other than the then all-powerful [People's] Commissar for [Public] Education, the highly ...
O fim de São Petersburgo
District Police Chief
Um camponês vai para São Petersburgo à procura de trabalho. Sem ter a intenção, ele acaba ajudando na prisão de um antigo amigo de seu vilarejo natal, que agora é líder sindical. Mais tarde, o camponês também é preso e enviado para lutar na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Quando retorna, três anos depois, ele está pronto para participar da revolução.
A Kiss from Mary Pickford
Goga is a Russian man who has no luck with women. He has a chance meeting with Mary Pickford, and after she kisses him on the cheek, he becomes as irresistible as her.
A Kiss from Mary Pickford
Goga is a Russian man who has no luck with women. He has a chance meeting with Mary Pickford, and after she kisses him on the cheek, he becomes as irresistible as her.
Miss Mend
Three reporters and an office girl are trying to stop a bacteriological strike by some powerful western business leaders against the USSR.
Pela Lei
Hans Nelson
Alguns homens em busca de ouro encontram em Klondike uma rica jazida. Porém, um acontecimento inesperado e terrível quebra o curso lento e monótono de seus trabalhos: um dos trabalhadores, o irlandês Michael Davin mata dois de seus companheiros.
Febre do Xadrez
With an international chess tournament in progress, a young man becomes completely obsessed with the game. His fiancée has no interest in it, and becomes frustrated and depressed by his neglect of her, but wherever she goes she finds that she cannot escape chess. On the brink of giving up, she meets the world champion, Capablanca himself, with interesting results.
The Death Ray
Tomas Lann
In a capitalist country, workers are heavily repressed but manage to get a "death ray" to fight back. (A part of the movie is lost.)
As Aventuras Extraordinárias de Mister West no País dos Bolcheviques
The One-Eyed Man
O senhor West, presidente da Sociedade de Jovens Cristãos da América, e seu guarda-costas Jeddie decidem visitar a União Soviética dominada pelos bolcheviques. Lá, presenciam eventos estranhos.
Sickle and Hammer
A down on his luck peasant goes to fight in World War I and returns home a hero