The exciting story of Sam, a broken man who after the world ends from a massive Meteor shower and the death of his son, is forced to survive underground. He and his trusted friend Troy along with a young female Rose, are thrust on a journey that takes them into the darkest parts of the underground world where they find themselves on the run with a crew of rag tag yet heavily armed rangers. Hunted down by mutated creatures, bandits and cannibals alike, their undeniable defiance to return home is challenged, and an honest story emerges to reveal the heart of friendship in the face of death. Broken Darkness is a tale of selflessness, friendship and courage.
Ryan Temple
Two best friends are pitted against each other when a new girl comes to town, matters are further complicated when they enlist together in the U S Army to fight in the Persian Gulf War, the men and their unit captured by Iraqi forces and must work together with other prisoners of war to escape...
Still to be released
Office Worker (uncredited)
Em um futuro próximo, a África do Sul decidiu substituir os seus policiais humanos por robôs dotados de inteligência artificial. O criador , o cientista Deon, sonha em embutir emoções nos robôs. Um dia, ele rouba um modelo defeituoso e faz experiências nele, até conseguir criar Chappie, um robô capaz de pensar e aprender por conta própria. Mas Chappie é roubado por ladrões que precisam da ajuda para um assalto a banco. Quando Vincent, um engenheiro rival de Deon, decide sabotar as experiências do colega de trabalho, a segurança do país e o futuro de Chappie correm riscos.