María Meira


O Suplente
Lucio, a prestigious university professor, takes the position of substitute teacher at a high school in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, where he grew up. Through tales, novels and poetry, he tries to distract his class from the harsh reality of their everyday lives. But soon, he must step out of his professional duties when Dilan, one of his students, is threatened by a local drug kingpin.
A Sort of Family
What limits does Malena cross to get what she wants most? Malena is a 38 year old middle class doctor from Buenos Aires. One afternoon she receives the call from Doctor Costas, who informs her that she must travel immediately to the north of the country: the baby she was waiting for is about to be born. Unexpectedly Malena decides to embark on an uncertain journey, full of crossroads, facing all kinds of legal and moral obstacles that will make her constantly wondering how far she is ready to go.
7 year old Matías returns home from a friend’s birthday party to find his mother, Laura, unconscious on the floor. When she recovers her senses they decide to leave home and rush to a shelter for abused women where they spend 48 hours before Laura decides to rebuild her life somewhere else. Through the eyes of Matías we will discover their escape in a city where everything Matías once knew feels dangerous and foreign until Laura finds a secure place to raise her son.
El karma de Carmen
O Olhar Invisível
Maria Teresa, de 23 anos, é contratada como assistente de um colégio de elite em Buenos Aires. Enquanto a Argentina sofre os últimos momentos da ditadura militar, a direção da escola procura manter uma rotina de ensino tradicional e os alunos à parte da realidade do país. O supervisor chefe vê nela a funcionária que esperava e a instrui para ser o olho que tudo vê. Maria incorpora então o papel da vigilante deste mundo restrito e rigoroso, zelando avidamente pelo cumprimento das lei.