

Mirza the Miraculous
In a distant galaxy, traveling carnivals feature famous mystics. The most popular of all is The Great Bazandini. Villagers clamor to see his act, but one person knows it’s a sham...his daughter, Mirza. She desperately wants to escape this world of swindlers, but standing in her way is the carnival’s ringleader, notorious conman, Dr. Leopold Rundy. MIRZA THE MIRACULOUS is a short lo-fi sci-fi experimental B-movie adventure incorporating dubbed gibberish voices, abstract art, remnants of Mardi Gras costumes, toy props, dustbuster spaceships, on-screen text and analog electronic music. It’s absurd, kaleidoscopic and homemade. The movie was originally shot on an abandoned Western movie set on the Texas-Mexican border in 1999, but was abandoned due to technical difficulties. 15 years later, the project was revived by a successful Kickstarter fund-raising campaign. The original footage was reimagined and re-edited with new technology to create a one-of-a-kind film.
The Mystery In Old Bathbath
Happy Tree
'The Mystery in Old Bath bath' is puppet movie created by Quintron and Miss Pussycat as part of the ongoing series 'Trixie and the Treetrunks'. In this adventure the Happy Tree is sick and can't give out secret messages from the Center of the Earth anymore. Marsha, Trixie and Ludwig set out to find a cure by following an old antique map (last message from Happy Tree) to an ancient spa town and a museum for people that can't read. But they are being followed by the greatest jazz drummer in the whole world, who is also a complicated friend and a warlock with a few secrets of his own. Shot in mini-magic with an all star puppet cast.
The Drum Buddy Show
Ninth Ward musician and inventor Mr. Quintron shows off his new instrument, the Drum Buddy, with the help of some friends.
Supernatural shenanigans involving an up-and-coming rock band.