Production Coordinator
Molly Gallant, a Los Angeles-based marketing-executive on top of the world, returns to her mother’s home town of Peppermint Hollow after her plans to launch a business are derailed by circumstance.
O carcereiro Samuel Tillery trabalha como guarda dos prisioneiros mais perigosos do Missouri enquanto eles esperam o julgamento. Quando a população se revolta, Samuel é levado ao limite para defender aquilo em que acredita.
Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman. But no one knows that Sally Carmichael is really Simon Hayes, a bitter, serious novelist - and Simon would like to keep it that way. When he is forced to meet a movie star about the movie adaptation, his life of anonymity starts to crumble.
Um grupo de missionários nativos da Libéria cruzam o país em guerra numa viagem desesperada para tentar salvar um de seus integrantes.