Mustafa Üstündağ

Mustafa Üstündağ

Nascimento : 1977-02-11, Mersin, Türkiye


Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezi Tiyatro Bölümü'nde tiyatro eğitimi alan oyuncu Kocaeli Bölge Tiyatrosu, Kartal Sanat İşliği, MSM Oyuncuları sahnelerinde görev aldı. Pervasız Tiyatro'da devam etti. Atv’de yayınlanan Yersiz Yurtsuz dizisinde Ferdi Tayfur’un oğlunu, Zincirbozan filminde Talat’ı oynadı. Zeynep’in Sekiz Günü'nde (2007) Ali rolüyle bir üçkâğıtçıyı canlandırdı. Kurtlar Vadisi Pusu adlı tv dizisinde Muro karakterini canlandırdı. Ancak 1 Ekim 2009 tarihinde yayınlanan 65. bölümle diziden ayrıldı. Yüzme ve futbol ile ilgilenmektedir.


Mustafa Üstündağ
Mustafa Üstündağ


Zoraki Misafir
Harun Doğu
Keep a Lid on It
Chaos erupts when members of two notorious Istanbul mobs arrive at a seaside town for family vacations.
Şeytan Tüyü
Turkish comedy directed by Murat Senoy.
Vay Arkadaş
One of the three friends living in the slums of Istanbul Manik, Tik and Dildo's, many ordinary overflow out of the neighborhood, but the excitement continued in a lively way in themselves, the stories of adventure full of life and laughter.
Kutsal Damacana 2: İtmen
Following some misadventures that involves Somalian pirates and a brief sojourn in a Buddhist monastery, Fikret returns to Istanbul to fight a werewolf.
Çetin is greedy. Years later upon his father's death he returns home. He begins a new friendship with his mentally disabled brother Arif.
Dilber'in Sekiz Günü
Dilber lives with her family in a very poor eastern village, her only dream is to marry her childhood lover, Ali. But when she finds out that it won't happen because of a reason that she can't get away with, she gets crazy and lock herself up in her family's barn. Then she makes everybody knows that she'll marry the first guy who proposes and won't leave the barn till that happens. One day, a limping man comes to the village. He's alone and has heard that there's a girl in that village who's ready to marry him.
Deli Dumrul Kurtlar Kuşlar Aleminde
Hüsnü Baba
Muro: Nalet Olsun İçimdeki İnsan Sevgisine
Zeynep'in Sekiz Günü
The political drama "Zincirbozan" was written by journalist Avni Özgürel, and depicted the period between 1979 and 1983, the most tumultous years in the recent Turkish history. Zincirbozan shows a chronology of the most significant events in this period , such as the assassination of the famous journalist Abdi İpekçi, the escalating terrorism in the run up to the 1980 military coup, the futile attempts of politicians to stop the turmoil and terror on the streets, the military taking over the government, and the exiling of the political figures, and depicts the period with new insights into its less known aspects. The movie is named after the Zincirbozan military complex in the city of Çanakkale, where the leading politicans of the period were interned.
Yes Sir
Once a year a group of handicapped people are allowed to visit army barracks. There, they have the opportunity of feeling like and being real soldiers.
Where's Firuze?
Pislik 2
Hayri and Orhan are two music producers head over heels in debt. In an attempt to find the next big thing to turn the business around, they contact Ferhat, a gastarbeiter in Germany, and desperately bring him to Istanbul to sign him. As they are struggling to find the necessary funds to promote Ferhat's debut album, a mysterious rich woman named Firuze shows up and starts supporting them. The future now seems bright, but things are not always what they seem...