Tijana Draguljević


Makeup Artist
Uma viagem sobrenatural através de uma Europa em declínio - uma coleção de contos de fantasia sombriamente humorísticos sobre personagens malfadados e fortuna condenada.
Key Makeup Artist
After an attempt of a suicide of a 11 year old bullied kid, Stela "a shepherd dog" is the only one that can get through him and restore his faith in life.
Front Page Midgets
Makeup Artist
For 40 year old Nikola, everyday life is just about producing the worst, the most vulgar reality shows and hidden cameras for TV. His life begins to change when he starts to mentor young girl pushed to be star by her ambitious mother. In turn of the events, Nikola starts to wonder if it is he who is the target of some hidden camera show.
The Rift
Makeup Artist
The satellite has vanished and the only clue is a trail leading to a small village nestled on the outskirts of forest line. As the team begins to investigate they quickly discover that something else came back from space, something not of this world. As their time runs out, the team must battle to unlock the terrifying truth behind the ill-fated mission.
A Sereia Assassina
Makeup Artist
Duas jovens turistas americanas viajam para uma ilha em Montenegro. Numa fortaleza militar abandonada, um velho pescador revela que há perigos, pois as águas do Mediterrâneo escondem uma assassina metade peixe, metade mulher: uma sereia.
Makeup Artist
Jasna é uma bela garota adolescente que leva a vida dura da geração do pós-guerra da Sérvia. Com o pai que tem uma doença terminal e uma mãe depressiva, ela está desiludida, tendo raiva de tudo e de todos, inclusive de si mesma. Apaixonando-se por um garoto da escola, ela mergulha num mundo de sexo e drogas, filmando tudo constantemente com seu telefone celular. Ainda assim, neste ambiente pesado, o amor e a ternura emergem.
Your Guardian
Makeup & Hair
The start of the Yugoslav civil war forces freshly graduated Mina to choose between being an obedient daughter or escaping abroad with her lover so he wouldn't serve in the army.