Nam Myung-ryeol
Nascimento : 1959-05-14, Daejeon, South Korea
Nam Myung-ryeol (남명렬) is a South Korean actor.
A story about a diplomat and a national intelligence service agent who struggle and risk their lives on foreign soil to save Korean hostages that have been abducted in the Middle East.
Director of the National Security Office
Um homem misterioso embarca num avião com destino ao Havaí. Com o iminente ataque e enquanto o medo se espalha a bordo, as forças antiterrorismo tentam pousar o avião.
Uma família comum enfrenta circunstâncias imprevisíveis desencadeadas por um telefonema misterioso que a coloca numa situação aterradora.
Lee Ji-Ham
Set in the near future, SF8 tells the story of people who dream of a perfect society through technological advancements. This project is a Korean original sci-fi anthology series about an array of subjects including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), robots, gaming, fantasy, horror, superpowers, and disasters.
An AI fortunetelling service called Manxin boasts a surprisingly high level of accuracy. In a world where most people deify and have blind faith in Manxin, Seonho and Garam, who have their own pain and secrets, search for its developer. Contrary to their expectations, they discover the true nature of Manxin. Manxin questions life and the essence of humankind through people who are, ironically, obsessed with the black arts rather than science, and others, who refuse the given path, anxiously seek the truth in a time of advanced AI, which accurately predicts the future to a large extent. Although we don’t know where our time is leading, isn’t it possible for human beings to live out their given time in blissful ignorance?
Na-ri's father
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
Orphanage Director Woo Won-il
A comic book storekeeper, Dae-man, and the legendary homicide detective, Tae-su, who met on previous case quit their jobs to open a private detective agency.
Professor Choi
Quando seu irmão é sequestrado e retorna totalmente diferente sem se lembrar dos últimos 19 dias, o jovem Jin-seok embarca em uma perigosa jornada em busca da verdade.
Manager Android
2016 KBS Drama Special. One day, theater director Shin Pa-rang suddenly kills himself. He did not even leave a last will. Playwright Choi Hyun reacts calmly to his death, but she can't understand his death.
Old man
People have varying perceptions and definitions of love and movies. One must overcome differing opinions and disregard insignificant factors in order to achieve the end product in each aspect. However, it is these trivial features that matter in the end and leave their imprint on our souls. Whether it is for love or for movies, we must continue to question and attend to the subtle inscriptions upon our emotions.
Old Pastor/Jesus
The church is the body of Christ. In Greece, the church embodied a philosophy. Then in Rome, it became an institution. Spreading throughout Europe, it became one with the culture there. Traveling to the US, the church became a business. And when it arrived in Korea, it became a conglomerate. The top five largest churches in the world are located in Korea. However, Christ has long been absent in the nation. So then, what is the church? Who is Jesus Christ? What kind of world do Christians want? If the church is indeed the body of Christ, then we must ask the questions point-blank. Where do we stand in all this? And where exactly are we headed? Korean churches—“Quo Vadis?” Korean society—“Quo Vadis?”
Professor Yoo Jong-jin
Lee Jang-hwan receives widespread acclaim and media attention after successfully cloning human embryo stem cells. A TV news program PD, Yoon Min-cheol, receives a phone call from an anonymous source who says he has worked with Dr. Lee on the stem cell project. The source blows the whistle on Lee's work, revealing how Lee fabricated research results and engaged in unethical practices.
Professor Choi
Dreams and hopes we had when we were young. Are they just dreams frozen like still pictures? Hyeonsu has been a part-time lecturer for 10 years. He used to dream of becoming a photojournalist but now his only dream is to become a full-time professor. But he has no financial ability to look good to other professors. He’s been married for 10 years and his wife is his only family. Eunsu appears in front of him after 20 years. She’s the one who taught him to take photos and also his first love. He’s shaken by her but finds out that she’s also applying for the full-time professor position he’s longing to get…
Divorce Court Judge
A man asks a womanizer to seduce his wife in order to catalyze a divorce.
Professor Kim Jung-woo
Um professor tenta denunciar publicamente os crimes encobertos de docentes e diretores que abusam sexualmente de alunos com deficiência auditiva.
Dr. Oh
An impossibly cute and thoroughly touching omnibus of 4 short fillms about how humans can elevate their own relationships through bonding with animals - featuring some of the cutest puppies and kittens ever on the silver screen!
An organization that offers sex to disabled people is discovered.
Mr. Chun
Tachibana é filho de uma família rica e poderosa que decide abrir uma confeitaria. Apesar de não estar interessado em doces acredita no sucesso do negócio. Então Tachibana contrata Ono Yuusuke, um antigo colega da escola e também seu apaixonado. Ono agora é um famoso chefe mas que não se consegue manter nos empregos devido ao seu charme que provoca paixões fulminantes que sempre trazem problemas no relacionamento profissional.Surge também uma outra personagem – Eiji, um jovem boxeador que teve de abandonar a carreira devido a um acidente. Eiji é apaixonado por doces e acaba por se tornar aprendiz de Ono. No entanto, ele e Tachibana não convivem muito pacificamente…
Por último, aparece também Chikage, um fiel servidor da família de Tachibana que tem a função de cuidar do seu mestre. Porém, Chikage tem problemas de visão, é um completo desastrado e, para cúmulo dos cúmulos, Ono apaixona-se por ele
Um atirador de elite assassina metodicamente pessoas importantes durante uma investigação do serviço secreto Sul Coreano. O agente especial Ryu e seu parceiro Lee suspeitam de Hee, a maior detetive letal da Coréia do Norte. Quando uma brecha de segurança aponta o roubo de um líquido explosivo altamente avançado chamado CTX, pertencente às autoridades sul-coreanas, Ryu e Lee sabem que terão um grande desafio pela frente. Fraudes são reveladas, lealdades questionadas e duas nações ameaçadas neste filme com muita ação.
Three best friends meet and boldly talk about sex together. Their characters are as different as their lifestyles. One works at a hotel, one at a design firm and the other is a graduate student. The conversations alter their lives as they begin to have different sexual relationships than before.