Boyana Balta


The Unheard
Chloe Grayden undergoes an experimental procedure to restore her hearing. So she begins to suffer from auditory hallucinations related to the disappearance of her mother.
Eero’s career as an author is spiraling down: he just can’t get started with his new novel. The ambitious actor Pihla is about to get her international break. Neither of them is willing to sacrifice their career even though their relationship is doing worse than ever. Void is a comedy-drama about the price of success and the agony of failure, and about situations where your partner just doesn’t get it.
Além da Realidade
Um casal, desesperado para ter filhos e após inúmeras tentativas infrutíferas, contrata uma mulher para servir como barriga de aluguel. Quando ela entra em um avançado estágio de gestação, a mulher desenvolve uma perigosa obsessão direcionada ao futuro pai do bebê.