Pierre Trabaud

Pierre Trabaud

Nascimento : 1922-08-07, Chatou, Seine-et-Oise [now Yvelines], France

Morte : 2005-02-26


Pierre Trabaud (7 August 1922 – 26 February 2005) was a French film actor. He appeared in 30 films between 1945 and 1989. Trabaud met French actress Capucine on the set of Rendez-vous (1949). The two married a year later in 1950; however, the marriage ended only eight months later. Source: Article "Pierre Trabaud" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Pierre Trabaud


A Vida e nada mais
Eugène Dilatoire
Em 1920, na França, Irene procura o marido, desaparecido durante a Guerra. Seus caminhos se cruzam com os do Comandante Dellaplane, chefe do Bureau de Soldados Desaparecidos. O encontro pode representar uma nova chance para ambos.
Por Volta da Meia-Noite
le père de Francis
Na Paris de 1959, um talentoso e veterano saxofonista deve se apresentar no Blue Note, ao lado de outros músicos americanos. Com problemas de alcoolismo, ele é amparado por um fã parisiense. Além de Dexter Gordon, o filme de Bertrand Tavernier contou com grandes jazzistas: Ron Carter, Wayne Shorter, Freddie Hubbard, Herbie Hancock entre outros.
Le voleur de feuilles
An old vagrant accidentally meets a man who has just killed his wife. They are both housed with an old woman who lives in the nostalgia of a youthful love.
Lucky Luke - Os Dalton À Solta
Joe Dalton (voice)
O cowboy Lucky Luke procura os irmãos Dalton que escaparam da prisão e estão à procura de refúgio no Canadá.
Daisy Town
Joe Dalton (voice)
Nesta engraçada aventura, que mostra o nascimento, o auge e o desaparecimento de uma cidade do Velho Oeste, o sortudo cowboy Lucky Luke vai parar na simpática Daisy Town. Ele é chamado para livrar a cidade dos bandidos que estão prestes a dominá-la. No início, tudo parecia sob controle, até que o herói se vê obrigado a enfrentar seus arquiinimigos, os irmãos Dalton, e,clogo depois, os temíveis índios.
Asterix e Cleópatra
Pirate Captain / Egyptian Captain / Villager (voice)
No Egito, Júlio César insulta Cleópatra ao dizer que sua nação está condenada a viver sob o regime de semiescravidão dos romanos. Decidida a provar que seu povo não está decadente, Cleópatra diz que construirá um magnífico palácio em Alexandria, em apenas 3 meses. Sem saber o que fazer, o engenheiro da obra decide contactar o druida Panoramix, para que ele possa ajudá-lo disponibilizando um pouco da poção mágica que dá força sobrehumana a quem a bebe.
Asterix, o Gaulês
Marcus Sacapus (voice)
No ano 50 a.C. a Gália é ocupada pelos romanos. Mas, a pequena vila de Asterix e seus amigos ainda resiste com a ajuda de uma poção mágica, que lhes dá uma força sobre-humana. Desesperado para descobrir a poção secreta dos gauleses, um centurião romano passa a espionar a vila. O objetivo é se tornar invencível e acabar com qualquer obstáculo entre ele e o trono de César. Mas, Panoramix, o druida da vila prepara uma poção especial para ele. Nosso herói Asterix dá a ele a mistura: um tônico poderoso que faz seu cabelo crescer, crescer...
Guerra dos Botões
Teacher at Longeverne
Guerra dos Botões é sobre duas gangues rivais, cujos combates divertidos se transformam em violência. O título deriva dos botões que são cortados das roupas do time rival como troféus de combate
Normandy - Neman
Le lieutenant Chardon
A certain number of French fighter pilots who will not accept the Second Armistice at Compiègne nor Vichy's orders decide to join the USSR. Once they have reached Moscow they resume training and form a squadron they call "Normandie". Reinforced in 1944, the squadron wins many victories. Following the acts of valor displayed by its pilots during the Battle of the Nieman River, it becomes the "Normandie-Niemen" squadron for the rest of times...
Y'en a marre
Larry Laine
Le Désert de Pigalle
A young priest works as a barman in a Pigalle cafe in Paris. He tries to prevent the women there to prostitute themselves....
The Window to Luna Park
A man has problems connecting with his son after coming home from work in Africa, after his wife's death.
What a Team!
Hubert Franier
Hubert Franier, an honest hospital extern, should never had got into trouble had he not been infatuated with Véra, a beautiful but stupid creature, who led him down the wrong path. Because of her and her friends, Hubert, who naively thought he was taking part in a practical joke, was actually a party to a car theft. Because of him, Monsieur Pierre, a good-natured caretaker, is in hospital. Racked with remorse, Hubert decides to hide from the police and finds refuge at his friend Louis'. Louis is a very sociable artist and his flat is the meeting place of many a colorful character. There, Hubert gets to know Candy, a Black American saxophonist, as well as Boubou, a Black little boy. He also meets Marie-Lou, a bar girl who dreams of becoming a nurse.
The Unfrocked One
Gérard Lacassagne
Pierre Fresnay plays the title character in Le Defroque (The Defrocked One). Cast out by his church, former priest Maurice (Fresnay) delights in mocking the traditions and credos of Catholicism. Even so, young Gerard (Pierre Trabaud) becomes convinced that Maurice has never truly lost his calling. Becoming a priest himself, Gerard devotes his life to bringing Maurice back into the fold. Things don't turn out quite as Gerard hopes, however; he has not reckoned with the possibility that Maurice may have been driven into insanity by his raging self-hatred.
Endless Horizons
The life story of famed French aviatrix Helene Boucher is detailed in Horizons sans fin (Endless Horizons). Giselle Pascal stars as Boucher, who is first seen in 1930, leaving her millinery shop behind in favor of the wild blue yonder. Though the world of aviation was still essentially an all-male one (despite England's Amy Johnson and America's Amelia Earhart), Boucher perseveres, eventually breaking all existing male and female speed and height records. A bit slow on the uptake in the dramatic scenes, the film soars (no pun intended) during the aerial sequences. Horizons san Fin was the winner of the Catholic Award at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Without Leaving an Address
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
Lady Paname
Marcel Bosset, le frère de Caprice, mêlé au milieu (uncredited)
The evocation of Paris in the 1920s mingles with the rapid rise of the irresistible Caprice, a talented singer, and her tumultuous love affair with Jeff the composer. A photographer nicknamed Bagnolet, a gentle anarchist, gently monitors the activities of Caprice, who has become Lady Paname and, in the absence of morality, makes love triumph.
Rendezvous in July
Pierrot Rabut
Hopes and love and ambitions and friendship in a group of young jazz-loving Parisians.
Manon - Anjo Perverso
França, recém-libertada do jugo alemão. Apanhados como clandestinos a bordo de um navio, Manon, uma jovem que foi acusada de colaborar com os nazistas, e Robert, um soldado da Resistência que a salvou das represálias, contam ao capitão sobre os muitos desafios que enfrentaram para sobreviver. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Antonio e Antonieta
O casal de trabalhadores Antoine e Antoinette sonham com uma vida melhor. Constantemente se afastando da indesejada atenção dos homens, Antoinette compra um bilhete de loteria premiado. Mas quando Antoine perde o bilhete, parece que tudo não vai passar de um sonho.
La Fleur de l'âge
Children imprisoned during pre-war France decide to escape.
The Last Judgment
Extra (uncredited)
In Central Europe, resistance to the Germans in growing. But the partisan leader is denounced and killed. His daughter and the son of the traitor love each other. Condemned by his comrades, the informer commits suicide in front of the young couple.