Stu Fleming


Voyage of the Rock Aliens
First Assistant Director
Aliens land in the mythical town of "Speelburgh, U.S.A" searching for the source of rock & roll. What they find is a gang of teenagers, led by Dee Dee and Frankie, along with Frankie's posse/rock band, the Pack. The leader of the aliens takes a shine to Dee Dee and all sorts of trouble breaks out.
Unit Production Manager
Duas adolescentes de 15 anos, Ferris e Angel (Tatum O'Neal e Kristy McNichol) se encontram num ônibus à caminho de um acampamento de verão, e logo se desentendem. Para resolver a rivalidade, elas travam uma competição, para ver qual das duas iria perder a virgindade primeiro durante as férias.
Nasce Uma Estrela
Assistant Director
Um astro do rock se envolve românticamente com cantora iniciante. Ele a ajuda a subir na carreira, mas a medida que ela vai se tornando também uma estrela, o cantor começa seu rápido declínio em função do abuso de alcóol e drogas. Ela tenta retribuir a ajuda, mas o cantor a rejeita, prejudicando definitivamente o relacionamento. Mesmo estando os dois apaixonados.
Funny Lady - A Garota Genial
Second Assistant Director
Na Nova York dos anos 1930, em pleno período da Depressão, a entertainer Fanny Brice divorcia-se do jogador Nick para se casar com o compositor Billy Rose. Juntos, eles se esforçam para manter o sucesso tanto no palco quanto na vida privada. Continuação de "Funny Girl - A Garota Genial".
Nossa, Que Loucura!
Second Assistant Director
A lendária estrela Barbra Streisand traz sua magia para as telas como Henrietta, a dedicada mas maluca esposa do taxista Pete (Michael Sarrazin), que vai fazer qualquer coisa para que seu marido realize o sonho de mudar de profissão e melhorar de vida.
The Naked Ape
Assistant Director
Somewhat based on Desmond Morris's fascinating book of pop anthropology, this partially animated satirical docudrama produced by Playboy Magazine publisher Hugh Hefner, traces the evolution of human kind and offers insight into the reasons why we behave the way we do. Though often dealing with sexuality, nothing in the film is terribly offensive or graphic. A prime example of mainstream experimental film-making from the early 70's featuring a young and breathtakingly lovely Victoria Principal.
Time to Run
Assistant Director
A conflicted teen lashes out by vandalizing equipment at the nuclear plant where his father works, then hits the road and finds a spiritual path.
Werewolves on Wheels
Associate Producer
A biker gang visits a monastery where they encounter black-robed monks engaged in worshipping Satan. When the monks try to persuade one of the female bikers, Helen, to become a satanic sacrifice the bikers smash up the monastery and leave. The monks have the last laugh, though, as Helen, as a result of the satanic rituals, is now possessed and at night changes into a werewolf, with dire results for the biker gang.
The Naked Zoo
Assistant Director
Love and crime in Miami's Cocoanut Grove artist's colony. Swinging young writer Stephen Oliver has a falling-out with benefactress Rita Hayworth in the wake of a wild LSD party. Rita foolishly tries blackmail after Oliver's reconciliation attempt leaves her crippled millionaire husband dead.