Billy Pepitone


O Evangelista
Aos sete anos de idade, Bill Horton assistiu um serial killer, conhecido como O Evangelista, matar sua mãe e deixar uma bíblia ao lado de seu corpo. Trinta anos depois, Bill cresceu e parece ser um cidadão comum, no entanto, ele decide seguir o legado do Evangelista, matando todos aqueles que ele acredita serem maus, deixando sempre uma bíblia sob seus corpos. Bill só conversa com a Dra. Laura, uma psiquiatra, que logo descobre seu segredo obscuro. Ela contata o detetive Edward, que está trabalhando no caso com seu parceiro, e o que eles descobrem os levará até um confronto sangrento.
The Jersey Devil
When his term limit comes up, Lucifer, the original Devil, must turn the reigns of Hell over to James Burnett. But Burnett has new plans for Hell that includes changing its' image and relocation. He enlists his Advocate, Richard Cooper and his beautiful sidekick Tori to find a new home for the damned. After an extensive search, they settle on New Jersey. As construction begins, James implements his plan to gather as many souls as possible so he can challenge the Kingdom. Meanwhile, Lucifer, with his wife Eve and Advocate Judas have arrived in Jersey to put an end to James' plans. After several failed attempts to stop him, Lucifer turns to a higher power for help.
Stuck in the Middle
A mail room slacker accidentally kills himself in a bizarre experiment and finds himself sentenced to Purgatory...working in the mail room. There, he falls for his beautiful manager and to win her heart he must stop a greedy real estate mogul from selling Purgatory and sending everyone to Hell.