Anne-France Lebrun


Le p'tit curieux
Clement, nine, curious about everything, wants to understand life. Camera in hand, he walks the streets of his small provincial town, following and studying "grown-ups".
Heavy Weather
Over the course of five seasons, this film chronicles a young woman's rise to power within a tempestuous all-female office. Employing elements of fantasy, realism, drama and satire, much of the story takes place in the confines of an oppressive looking steel and glass skyscraper owned by a powerful insurance company. Though the office is populated only by women, the place seethes with tension due to office politics and the personal turmoil suffered by the employees, something that the beautiful and outwardly ruthless office supervisor Carabosse does her best to ignore. When the ever business-like Carabosse finally gets promoted, she appoints Agate (the story's true protagonist) as her successor. Power corrupts and it does not take long for the compassionate Agate to transform into a copy of Carabosse.
Grand Guignol
Sarah, the wife of a theater director, decides to leave her mutt of a husband because she is tired of his morbid fantasies. It is true that Baptiste has a rather unstable troupe that rehearses horror plays in a dance hall. Sarah comes out of the wings for life, but it turns out to be as incongruous and phantasmagorical as her husband's plays. This is why she returns to him. "The real grand guignol is life. The other is the farce."
The husband, the wife and the lover. The husband is tired of playing the eternal husband. The wife would like to live a last love story. The lover, seducer in the soul, only dreams of slippers. As a bonus, there is the brother-in-law, Santa Claus in a department store who carries jealousy in his sack. So everyone changes roles.
Notorious Nobodies
Director Stanislav Stanojevic's award-winning drama tells eight stories of people whose human rights have been violated by their governments. Set in Zaire, Uruguay and several European countries, the stories all take place on November 10, 1983. Starring Juliette Andres, Anamaria Castro and Laurence Wistoursky, the film depicts the struggle of unjustly persecuted people trying to hold on to their dignity.
Le beau monde
Jean Pierre, a young Parisian salesman, decides to go on vacation by hitchhiking at random. Taken as a jaguar by a rich man, he finds himself invited to his villa in Saint Tropez and discovers a luxurious, idle and decadent universe. A tasty TV movie, written and directed by Michel Polac, with a very young Fabrice Luchini.
La Ville des silences
Creuzeville, uma pequena cidade provinciana com seus bosques, seus campos, suas muralhas, sua missa e seus bolinhos de domingo. Um estranho chega. Ele é um investigador particular em Creuzeville, sobre o qual reina uma antiga família de industriais, um assassinato acaba de ser cometido. A vítima é o ancestral fundador deste pequeno império que superou um homem. Em Creuzeville, dificilmente gostamos de estrangeiros, especialmente se forem vegetarianos, talvez homossexuais, sem dúvida anarquistas como, precisamente, este detetive. No entanto, o detetive por quem o escândalo quebrou quebrou o silêncio da cidade ao ir ao coração de segredos de família até então bem escondidos atrás de persianas roxas. Os assassinatos se sucedem. Atacamos à esquerda - um jovem ecologista - como à direita - um playboy cínico. Continuando a dissecar os móbiles e os personagens, o detetive largou as máscaras uma a uma. E, pouco a pouco, o medo e a violência vão se instalando na pequena cidade.
Gradiva: Esquisse I
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.