During the Algerian War (1954-1962), many impoverished young Algerian men, known as "Harkis", volunteered to join the French Army. Salah and Kaddour find themselves under the orders of Lieutenant Pascal. But as the conflict draws to an end, the prospect of independence looms. The outlook for Harkis seems bleak. Lieutenant Pascal confronts his superiors, insisting that every single man in his platoon must be evacuated to France.
After a long absence, Marie decides to return to the family home to introduce the partner with whom she is expecting a child.
Amin has come from Senegal to work in France, leaving behind his wife Aïcha, and their three children. He leads a solitary life in France, where the only space he occupies is his home and the building sites on which he works. Most of his earnings are sent to Senegal. One day, he meets a woman, Gabrielle, and a relationship is born.
Fatima nasceu na Argélia, trabalha como doméstica e cria sozinha as duas filhas na França: Souad, de 15 anos, adolescente rebelde; e Nesrine, de 18 anos, começando os estudos de medicina. Ela não fala bem francês, o que frustra sua comunicação com as filhas, mas ainda assim ambas são a razão para que ela siga em frente. Um dia, ela cai de uma escada e fica debilitada. Enquanto se recupera, ela escreve em árabe tudo o que nunca conseguiu dizer às filhas em francês.
Stéphane Goudet is all over the Tati box-set as the preeminent Tati scholar, so it is only fitting that he conclude the disc with a half hour lecture that concludes the themes and methods of the filmmaker.
Uma pequena aventura de três personagens: Clarisse, aprendiz de vidente; Lazare, que trabalha nas catacumbas parisienses; e o leão, uma estátua de bronze no Denfert-Rochereau (no 14º arrondissement). Clarisse e Laraze se encontram diariamente, mas um dia Lazare desaparece – e o leão também.