Stefan Pagels Andersen

Nascimento : 1986-09-08, Denmark


In Real Life
In every moment we make choices that define our being; choices that create shapes and patterns and carve out our lives. Until the pattern is broken – by faith, decision or coincidence. In Real Life is about such moments, where lives are drastically changed. As a multi-plot drama, created out of three years of acting improvisations, In Real Life follows three story threads with characters who come together by internet dating and by their persistent search for some kind of meaning in life between love and sheer survival.
Grey Gold
IT instructor
Discarded by society, let down by their bank and evicted from their homes, three senior citizens plan a nice little bank robbery to set things right. But things don't go quite that easy...
This Life
The true story of the Fiils: a family of innkeepers who, during Nazi-Germany's occupation of Denmark, took up arms against the German occupiers. But in the fight for freedom, some must die so that others may live.
Nothing's All Bad
Follows the lives of four longing souls. Ingeborg who feels unattractive and young Jonas who is so attractive that he can literally sell some of what he's got. Anna, a young beautiful woman with a physical disability, and Anders, a tender man with a psychological disability. Four people yearning for love, four people, each hoping for a better tomorrow.
The Day After
Andreas is warned by a mysterious stranger that his best friend Jannik is in danger. That's all he remembers from his night on the town last night. Was it something he dreamed? When the pieces start to fall into place, he realizes that everything he does is helping to facilitate his friends tragedy. with a circular approach to time, 'The Day After' plays with the idea of causality and the difficulties of accepting wrong doing.
First Flush
A short film format that focuses on three sixteen-year-old teenagers – Rasmus, Thomas and Ditte. In an act of sexual frustration, they go to a skip yard and record a homosexual man in a sexual act with another man.
Min søsters børn i Ægypten
Da far ved et uheld ikke kommer med flyet, ender Blop, Pusle, Jan, Michael og Amalie alene i Ægypten. De står pludselig i Cairos lufthavn med en hjemsendelsestrussel hængende over hovedet. Gode råd er dyre. Men ved skæbnens gunst (eller ugunst) var Fru Flinth også med samme fly. Udsigten til at de 5 børn alligevel ikke skal opleve den bade-ferie, de har glædet sig til i måneder, bliver for meget for Fru Flinth. Hårdt presset af børnene og omstændighederne påtager hun sig modvilligt ansvaret for at passe på dem en uges tid, men på den betingelse at børnene vil deltage i Fru Flinths Kunst og Kultur ferie frem for deres planlagte badeferie. Og så kan det nok være, at børnene skal til at være kreative for at lokke Fru Flinth ud på nye løjer frem for på museumsbesøg.
My Sister's Kids in the Snow
Hele familien skal på skiferie i Norge, da far brækker benet. Derfor tager onkel Erik af sted med de fem ældste børn. På færgen møder Amalie skiinstruktøren Dan og onkel Erik bliver meget søsyg. Det viser sig far har lejet en meget lille utæt hytte, men Jan og Michael får det ordnet så de flytter ind i en stor suite. Det viser sig at den er udlejet til fru Flinth og hendes veninder og hun laver meget vrøvl. Familien smides ud, men igen ordner Jan og Michael situationen. De påstår at Erik Lund er en berømt sanger. Erik har travlt med at passe på Amalie, men da hun opdager Dans luskeri med en anden pige får hun drengene til at hjælpe sig. I mellemtiden får Erik også tid til at stå på skøjter sammen med fru Flint.
Catch That Girl
Sebastian Klausen
Ida's father suddenly gets a stroke and is rushed to the hospital, diagnosed with a deadly disease with no other opportunity than to travel to USA to attend a medical experimental operation. Unfortunately, the small family have to get the money themselves, as the state doesn't pay for that kind of experimental procedures. Ida has to get the money - and she got no other way than to steal them from the bank where her mother works...... developing the banks intense security.
My Sister's Kids
Erik Lund is a professor in child psychology. When his sister and her husband go on vacation, he is left in charge of their five children. He really feels up to it, since he is now going to be able to try out his skills in child psychology. However, reality is something else than theory and children do not always do as they are supposed to, according to his book on child psychology. The children soon fool him into doing as they please when it comes to food and pleasures. However, soon they start to realise that if they can make him serve them hot dogs and hamburgers and let them watch TV as much as they like, they can also make him help them restore their old house, so that they won't have to move, as their parents want to. And, as their uncle is nice enough to help them, they also decide to try and get him a wife.
What do you do if you're twelve years old, your mum is a neurotic babbler, your best friend is hitting on the girl you love, and you're the only guy in your class who doesn't yet sport pubes ...? For Dennis P. there's only one way out - pray. In this musical adventure the miracle comes in the shape of an angel clone looking suspiciously like Dennis P.'s late father. The angel issues Dennis P. with a license to perform medium grade miracles, but there's a string attached - Dennis P. must stop using swearwords. Dennis P. throws himself into readjusting his existence. But one miracle leads to another, and the 'adjustments' lead to grotesque consequences.