Benjamin Biolay

Benjamin Biolay

Nascimento : 1973-01-20, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône-Alpes, France


Benjamin Biolay


Summer Frost
It’s summer and France is hit by a polar cold. Ten lone and lost souls find each other, a profound meeting as a last chance to hope and fear, to love and dream. Ten tales as tribute to Monet’s Water Lilies, ten tales portraying an impressionist painting of today’s France.
Clara Luciani : Ça commence comme ça
Documentary on the French musician-singer.
The Line
Margaret, 35, has a history of violent behaviour which has cost her a romantic relationship. She has moved back in with her mother Christina, a fragile, immature 55-year-old woman who blames Margaret, her firstborn, for ruining her dreams of a career as a concert pianist. In a state of unbridled fury during an argument, Margaret hits Christina. The law steps in, further complicating family dynamics. As she awaits trial, Margaret is forbidden from coming into contact with her mother or within 100 metres of their home. This only intensifies her desire to be closer to her family. Every day, Margaret appears at this 100-metre threshold to see her 12-year-old sister Marion and give her music lessons.
Benjamin Biolay - Christmas Show
Musical Christmas Special hosted by Benjamin Biolay.
Stella in Love
Serge Vlaminck
For Stella, it’s her final year. But she says she doesn’t care! That year, she discovers the famous Parisian club, the Bains Douches, 80’s and its crazy nights. Her friends are just studying, her father has left with another woman and her mother is depressed. And then there is André who dances like a God… That year will decide her whole life. She pretends not to think about it…
Flickering Ghosts of Love Gone By
Original Music Composer
Inheriting a film collection of home movies after the death of a relative, a film director recounts his life and the women he loved while investigating some family secrets hidden in the recovered images.
The World of Yesterday
Didier Jansen
A moral tale and a political thriller: a few days before the term of her mandate, the President must make a major decision concerning the destiny of France.
Zaï Zaï Zaï Zaï
Membre du comité de soutien
Imagine a world where the worst behaviour you could ever have is to forget your store's loyalty card in your other trousers...that's what happens to Adrien. This serious misconduct forces him to go into hiding, as both police and media hunt him down.
France: Sob Os Holofotes
Fred de Meurs
France de Meurs é uma jornalista famosa que se desdobra entre o estúdio da rede de televisão em que trabalha, uma guerra em um território distante e a sua tumultuada e exigente vida familiar. Seu mundo de privilégios se transforma subitamente depois que ela fere um pedestre em um acidente de carro. Esse rompimento inesperado da realidade coloca tudo em uma nova perspectiva. Enquanto France tenta desacelerar e levar uma vida mais simples e anônima, sua fama continua em seu encalço. Até que um caso amoroso parece colocar um ponto final em sua busca. Seleção dos Festivais de Cannes, Toronto e Nova York, em 2021.
Os Segredos de Madame Claude
The chief of police
Na Paris dos anos 60, a influência de Madame Claude vai além do mundo da prostituição — até que a chegada de uma jovem rica ameaça mudar tudo.
Ève e Henri parecem ser o casal perfeito da alta sociedade até que ela descobre uma traição. Em um impulso vingativo, ela passa a noite com um jovem que começa a persegui-la. Agora ela fará de tudo para recuperar o controle e manter as aparências.
Clube dos Divorciados
Casado há cinco anos, Ben é surpreendido quando a esposa lhe pede o divórcio sem qualquer tipo de aviso. Pior: todas as pessoas do grupo de amigos de ambos ficam do lado dela e não dele. Por acaso, cruza-se com um velho amigo de faculdade que também se divorciou recentemente e começam a viver juntos. Vão-se juntando mais e mais divorciados ou separados e fundam uma espécie de clube, em que a regra é não começar uma relação com ninguém — uma regra difícil de cumprir quando Ben conhece uma pessoa nova.
Ordinary Day
May 1, 1999. Romain's first day in an unknown world, that of porn. In this environment, totally in the hands of women, he is one of the only men. Sometimes disoriented, Romain discovers colorful individuals, tired of their lives and their jobs.
Quarto 212
Richard Warrimer 40 years old
Depois de uma briga com o marido, Catherine resolve dar um tempo e sai de casa. Ela se muda para o quarto 212 de um hotel do outro lado da rua, com vista privilegiada para seu antigo apartamento, para o marido que acaba de deixar e, de certa forma, para a vida que dividia com ele. Enquanto pensa se tomou a decisão certa, muitos personagens de sua trajetória opinam sobre o assunto. Todos a confrontam, ela gostando disso ou não, ao longo de uma noite que se revela transformadora.
A Número Um
Marc Ronsin
A brilliant and determined female engineer is approached by a network of powerful women with an offer to help become the head of a CAC 40 firm. The conguest, which was at first thrilling, turns to complete war with the men who still dominate.
Memórias da Dor
Dionys Mascolo
Junho de 1944, a França ainda está sob ocupação alemã. O escritor Robert Antelme, uma grande figura da Resistência, foi preso e deportado. Sua jovem esposa Marguerite, escritora e resistente, está dilacerada pela ansiedade de não ter notícias dele. Ela conhece um agente francês da Gestapo, Rabier, e, desesperada para encontrar seu marido, testa uma relação ambígua com este homem. O fim da guerra e o retorno dos campos anunciam a Marguerite o início de uma espera dolorosa, agonia lenta e silenciosa em meio ao caos da libertação de Paris.
Anjo Envenenado
Matthieu Veron
In 1800, Brittany is on its knees, overwhelmed by the regime in place and by the omnipotent clergy. It founders in an economic slump without end in sight and, in the middle of all this, a young, suffering girl pushes back as best she can. She is known as the "Poisoning Angel," an isolated child, mistreated by life and rocked by morbid thoughts. She will become one of the world's most notorious serial killers and will sow death, perhaps merely to be looked at and loved.
Personal Shopper
Victor Hugo
Maureen (Kristen Stewart) é uma jovem americana que mora em Paris e trabalha como "personal shopper" para uma celebridade local. Ela também tem uma capacidade especial para se comunicar com o mundo dos mortos. A moça dividia esse dom com seu irmão, recém-falecido, que parece estar querendo enviar uma mensagem para o mundo dos vivos.
Constance, a 40-years-old real estate agent, gets fired from her job. With no options left, she contacts her former boss, from the small agency where she started her career. To her surprise, he is hiring, but explains he may have already found someone. Constance is convinced she will get the job because of her experience and extensive qualifications. But when Audrey, a younger and prettier woman, is hired instead, it proves too much for Constance to take.
Encore heureux
Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
Uma Dama de Óculos Escuros Com uma Arma no Carro
Michel Caravaille
A jovem Dany (Freya Mavor) trabalha como secretária do empresário Michel (Benjamin Biolay). Ela é secretamente atraída pelo chefe, mas ele está casado com uma antiga amiga sua, Anita (Stacy Martin). Cansada de ver Anita levando uma vida confortável enquanto ela tem uma rotina banal, Dany se vê um dia em posse do carro de luxo de Michel. Ao invés de devolver o veículo como prometido, ela começa a dirigir rumo ao sul da França, na intenção de ver o mar pela primeira vez. Mas esta decisão impensada trará consequências trágicas a Dany.
The Easy Way Out
Patrick, a travel agent in his early 30s, lives with Arthur, an immigration lawyer; but for a long time, Patrick has been sleeping on an air mattress on the floor of their bedroom. His younger brother, Tony, plans to marry his high school sweetheart but is having an affair that is far more satisfying than his relationship with his fiancee. Their older brother, Ryan, is divorced, living at home and working at his parents’ hopelessly unprofitable men’s clothing store. And McCauley soon makes achingly clear that the parents’ marriage is far from happy.
Gaby Baby Doll
Gaby mustn’t be left alone at night. Yet that’s exactly what her boyfriend Vincent does, to test her love for him. She struggles against her natural instincts and quickly exhausts the patience of the local guys. But Gaby decides to turn to castle warden Nicolas, an expert in loneliness, for help.
GHB: To Be or Not to Be
A reflection on love and pleasure experienced by three women, set in France, New York, and Shanghai.
O Homem Que Elas Amavam Demais
Original Music Composer
1976, Riviera Francesa. Renée Le Roux (Catherine Deneuve) é a dona do Palácio Mediterrâneo, um luxuoso cassino que enfrenta problemas financeiros. Disposta a tudo para que o local não seja vendido ao seu grande rival, Fratoni (Jean Corso), ela conta com a ajuda do advogado Maurice Agnelet (Guillaume Canet) e de sua filha, Agnes (Adèle Haenel), para assumir a presidência do conselho. Após a eleição, Maurice fica desapontado por não conseguir uma posição de destaque na nova organização do cassino e, com isso, deixa de assessorar Renée. Não demora muito para que ele se envolva romanticamente com Agnes e lhe apresente uma inusitada proposta: que vote contra sua própria mãe no conselho, recebendo uma alta quantia de Fratoni.
Office du tourisme
When Agathe moves to Paris, she discovers city life, liberty, and love. But the city's picture-perfect scenery and the dreamy soundtrack of the young woman's days and nights contrast with the cold detachment of its inhabitants.
Office du tourisme
When Agathe moves to Paris, she discovers city life, liberty, and love. But the city's picture-perfect scenery and the dreamy soundtrack of the young woman's days and nights contrast with the cold detachment of its inhabitants.
Office du tourisme
When Agathe moves to Paris, she discovers city life, liberty, and love. But the city's picture-perfect scenery and the dreamy soundtrack of the young woman's days and nights contrast with the cold detachment of its inhabitants.
Left Over - Intimate Politics
Paul Alder
Two couples, Chris Bailey and Judith Lazard, along with Paul Adler and Albertine Langlois, meet for dinner on the 9th of July 2006, the night of the Football World Cup Final between France and Italy. Their conversations wander from intimate subjects to substantial political comments in such an intricate manner that their personal lives and their perception of the ideological struggle, the battle for the leadership of the french left, are more and more difficult to differenciate. For six years, their political attitudes evolve with the changing image of themselves and each other.
Além do Arco-íris
Era uma vez uma menina que acreditava no amor, em sinais e no destino; uma mulher que sonhava em ser atriz e desesperava-se para chegar lá um dia; um jovem que acreditava em seu talento como compositor, mas não acreditava muito em si próprio. Era uma vez uma menina que acreditava em Deus. Era uma vez um homem que acreditava em nada até o dia em que uma vidente deu a data de sua morte e, relutantemente, ele começou a acreditar.
Mariage à Mendoza
Marcus and his brother Antoine head to Argentina for their cousin’s wedding. They plan to explore all that Buenos Aires has to offer before making the trip to Mendoza in the west. Marcus is thrilled to be on the road and determined to have fun, while Antoine is depressed after being dumped by his wife, who refused to come with them at the last minute. Marcus will do anything it takes to cheer up his little brother. After a very caliente evening in the capital, they hit the road, discovering Argentina vineyard’s and making unlikely encounters –with a crackpot receptionist, a divine beauty, a pregnant ewe, and a guy afflicted by Stendhal syndrome –until, at the end of their journey, the two brothers find peace.
Brandt Rhapsodie
The Ordinary tragedy of a romantic encounter, sung by Benjamin Biolay and Jeanne Cherhal.
Brandt Rhapsodie
The Ordinary tragedy of a romantic encounter, sung by Benjamin Biolay and Jeanne Cherhal.
Petite fille
Bachelor Days Are Over
Le Marié
Arnaud nicknamed "Cui Cui" no longer knows which way to look. He is about to marry Anna but he is not sure he really loves her. To make matters worse, he falls in love during the stag party he has with his friends. And Léa, a nightclub singer, is obviously the woman of his dreams. What to do? Cancel the wedding and create a scandal but be able to live with a woman he loves truly and loves him in return? Or be a good boy and not disappoint the company but say farewell to happiness. For four days, Arnaud goes to and fro aimlessly between Anna and Léa, between his eccentric sister and his self-centered mother, between hope and depression.
Qui a envie d'être aimé ?
Antoine is forty years old. Happily married to a woman he loves, father to two beautiful children, a brilliant lawyer, one could say that he has made a success of his life. But one day Antoine has an unexpected, irrational, and earth-shattering encounter. One that is also a little scandalous as well. Antoine encounters God, something he just did not expect. Not at all ! Nor did his wife.
The Pack
In the middle of a snowy no man's land, Charlotte picks up Max, a hitchhiker; they stop in a truck-stop restaurant, and when Max doesn't come back from the bathroom, Charlotte starts looking for him in vain. She decides to return during the night but gets kidnapped by the bartender, La Spack, who turns out to be Max's mother and needs to feed her kids, 'The pack', a bunch of blood lusting ghouls. Charlotte now faces a terrifying reality: these ghouls are already dead... and hungry. Alone and in the middle of nowhere, she quickly realizes... she's next on the menu!
The Queen of Hearts
In this musical take on everyday life, Adele is devastated after a painful breakup. Her distant cousin, Rachel, finds her a job and suggests that Adele sleep with other men to get over her heartbreak. The search begins, but Adele can’t escape the visage of her former lover….
Serge, le père de Stella
1977. Stella tem 11 anos e vive em um subúrbio operário de Paris, onde seus pais mantém um pequeno bistrô. Sua família conseguiu matriculá-la em uma famosa escola de Paris, onde conhece Gladys, filha de intelectuais argentinos. Ela se torna sua melhor amiga e a ajuda a lidar com as dificuldades da vida. O filme é autobiográfico.
Alexandrine, 35, who everyone nicknames Didine, peacefully goes with the flow, the opposite of her best friend Muriel. In this way, she one day crosses the threshold of a elderly person caregivers’ agency where, faced with an extrovert teenager, a charming man, and a cruel, elderly woman, she takes hold of her existence and encounters love.
Cold Blooded
"Cold Blooded" - The meeting between a fragile woman and a depressed soldier builds a dangerous alliance.
Glory Hole
"Glory Holes" are mostly found in the basements of sex shops, sex clubs, or what are commonly referred to as whore bars. The pleasure is blind, anonymous. He delights in this blindness. "She" is the engine of his fantasies, his fears, his uneasiness and her naive and vain generosity. "He" will be waiting for her every Wednesday. This short film is the first fiction film directed by Guillaume Foirest as part of his graduation thesis at ESRA Nice in 2005. The film was distributed by DVD Pocket and has made many festivals around the world .
Why (Not) Brazil?
A film director, whose career is going downhill, reluctantly decides to adapt an inadaptable best selling novel. Will she succeed or will the book adapt her in the process?
Clara and Me
Antoine has what every young single man could wish: a promising career, true and loyal friends, and an apartment of his own. However, he's a lonely man, until he meets Clara, a beautiful and exciting woman, and deeply falls in love with her. All his loneliness turns into joy... but then he learns something that makes it all extremely complicated.
France terre d'asile
La Rosalie
Set at the end of the 19th century, the film recounts the destiny of the first bearded woman, at the heart of a love story.