John Wilson


Nascido Para Matar
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Um sargento treina de forma fanática e sádica os recrutas em uma base de treinamentos, na intenção de transformá-los em máquinas de guerra para combater na Guerra do Vietnã. Após serem transformados em fuzileiros navais, eles são enviados para a guerra e quando lá chegam se deparam com seus horrores.
Eat the Rich
Alex is a disgruntled waiter at a snobby exclusive restaurant who falls on hard times. Forced to deal with the contempt and disgust of the upper class, Alex & cohorts attempt to go on a rampage. Meanwhile, General Karprov and Spider plot to involve the inept anarchists into their plans to derail the prime-minister-to-be's campaign.
Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma
Jacondan Guard
A race of giant Gastropods has taken over the planet Jaconda. Their leader, Mestor, now intends to cause an enormous explosion in order to spread his people's eggs throughout the galaxy, and he kidnaps juvenile twin geniuses from Earth to work out the necessary mathematical equations. Space fighters led by Lieutenant Hugo Lang are dispatched to get the twins back, but they come under attack and Lang is the sole survivor when his ship crashes on the asteroid Titan III. A newly regenerated Doctor and Peri become involved and help Jaconda's elderly former ruler Professor Edgeworth, who is really a Time Lord named Azmael, to defeat Mestor and free the planet's bird-like indigenous people from the gastropods' reign of terror. Azmael, however, sacrifices his life in the process.
The Falls
Astraham Fallbute
Após um evento misterioso e ainda completamente desconhecido, o mundo definitivamente não é mais o mesmo. O acontecimento acabou gerando reações estranhas, como a imortalidade e deficiência em diversos casos e, além disso, algumas das vítimas aprenderam linguagens no mínimo peculiares. Alguns grupos acreditam ser culpa dos pássaros. Para entender o ocorrido, a vida de afetados será minuciosamente analisada.