Jakub Voves

Nascimento : 1971-05-23,


Plná 6
Skywalk Above Prague
From intricate planning to focused training, this documentary follows Tatiana Mosio-Bongong as she dares to cross the Vltava River on a tightrope.
Skywalk Above Prague
From intricate planning to focused training, this documentary follows Tatiana Mosio-Bongong as she dares to cross the Vltava River on a tightrope.
Doggy Love
1,200 kilometres of snowy landscape to be covered in 12 days. These are the conditions for the Finnmarksløpet sled dog race and Czech husky breeder Jana Henychová is set to participate again.
God Forsaken
Tajemství Divadla Sklep aneb Manuál na záchranu světa
Happy Together
The Magic Voice Of A Rebel
"The Magic Voice Of A Rebel" portrays the story of the Czech singer Marta Kubisová, who without never intending it, became a symbol of freedom for all generations in the newly free Czhecoslovakia in 1989. It is Marta herself who tells us her life story and how the Soviet invasion in Czechoslvakia in 1968 changed her life. Because of her deep involvement in the Prague Spring movement, she went from being the most popular singer in the country to being banned and suffering a sudden removal from the public scene by the new authorities imposed from Moscow. She refused to escape to exile and together with other banned intelectuals and artists became a disident instead. Blacklisted and persecuted by the secret police, she also suffered the betrayal of beloved people who were collaborating with the regime.
The Four Agreements
Největší přání
Věra 68
Eye Over Prague
Welcome to North Korea!
Documentary.In its catalogue, a Czech travel agency offers a "journey into the unknown", a tour of North Korea. That spring was the second time since 1990 that a group of Czech tourists set foot in the DPRK. The film follows twenty-seven Czechs who have decided to spend approximately 2,600 Euros on a sightseeing tour of a country which cultivates a cult of personality, maintains concentration camps for its citizens and doesn't hide its development of nuclear weapons. Foreign visitors are only allowed a view of a carefully prepared illusion, thoroughly supervised by "guides". What is more, the North Korean system is starkly reminiscent of our own past. Which emotions do our travellers experience: sympathy, nostalgia or, in contrast, happiness that "we already have this behind us"? How does a Czech person, after being accustomed to eighteen years of freedom and democracy, come to terms with the directives and restrictions of a totalitarian system?
Ježíš je normální!
Journey: Portrait of Věra Chytilová
Documentary about Czech filmaker Vera Chytilova.
Village B.
This documentary about the people of Blšany is seen through the eyes of Mr. Tříska, the local one-room school principal and an amateur filmmaker, creator of a movie about “the smallest community in the world with a first league soccer team.” He guides us through an eerie village marked by Communism, a hamlet awakened from its lethargy once every two weeks by a first league soccer match. “Meetings were also held in the country,” claims Tříska, “but executions and trials took place in town. A person had to be careful in the country if he didn’t want to be denounced, but when he went to the doctor he knew he wouldn’t pay for prescriptions; and the bus cost a crown fifty, not ten like today.”