Miriam Stein

Miriam Stein

Nascimento : 1988-05-10, Vienna, Austria


Miriam Stein is an Austrian-Swiss television and film actress. She is best known internationally for a leading role as Charlotte in the German television drama Generation War.


Miriam Stein
Miriam Stein


Styrian Death
Sandra Mohr
Sandra Mohr
One-way to Moscow
Odile Lehmann
30 years ago, Switzerland was shaken by a scandal that seems to have already been forgotten: more than 900,000 people were surveilled because of their political convictions. Against the backdrop of this "secret files scandal," Micha Lewinsky sets his film. Conscientious policeman Viktor Schuler is tasked by his superior to infiltrate the Schauspielhaus, a renowned Zurich theatre, in order to keep an eye on its leftist scene. However, Viktor finds himself quite taken with the artist's life and falls in love with the subversive actress Odile Lehmann.
Styrian Cross
Sandra Mohr
The third case of the successful "Steirerkrimi-Reihe" takes Commissioner Sandra Mohrund and her boss Bergmann to the remote Muerz Valley, where they have to solve a strange death. During the investigation, the unequal duo uncovered the dark secrets of the Fürst family of entrepreneurs and their matriarch Pauline and learned that appearance and existence do not always match. With pointed dialogues and a dash of humor, "Steirerkreuz" offers exciting entertainment based on the novel of the same name by Claudia Rossbacher.
100 Coisas
Completamente apegados a seus bens materiais, os melhores amigos Toni (Matthias Schweighöfer) e Paul (Florian David Fitz) decidem fazer uma experiência: os dois abrirão mão de todas as suas posses durante 100 dias. E durante cada dia, eles vão recebendo de volta os seus pertences um a um, mas no meio do caminho eles percebem que existem coisas muito mais importantes na vida.
Katrin Ortrup
A female doctor trusts her son to a friend because of an emergency. When she wants to pick up her son, her child and the acquaintance disappeared.
Enter the Wild
Executive Producer
On a trek to find the world's rarest tree, Dylan and his friends descend into harsh ravines and canyons. As the wilderness closes in on them they come face to face with hard truths about friendship, unrequited love, and the consequences of letting go of the past.
Sandra Mohr
The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.
The Origin of Violence
Gabi (2014)
A French teacher makes a startling discovery while on a trip to Buchenwald.
Little Big Voice
Elsa Brandl
Das goldene Ufer
Vormärz in Germany: Gisela and Walther, a maid and a servant - a predestined path of life, which Gisela rebels against. Her free-thinking spirit puts her in great danger. Is Walther going to join her on this dangerous path?
Tour de Force
Belgium, of all places. What's Belgium got besides chocolates and fries? No matter, this year it was Hannes' and Kiki's turn to choose the destination of their annual bike tour with their closest friends. They all looks forward to the adventure, after all they know that what counts the most is the time they spend together. It's only after the tour has begun that Hannes tells his friends that he's suffering from an incurable disease. The trip is to be his last. At first, the group is shocked and helpless, but after they hit the road again, they embark on a wild and one-of-a-kind adventure. Through Hannes, they realize how precious life is. Equipped with a list of things that still remain to do, and aware that nothing will be the same after this trip, they celebrate life as they never did before.
O Assassino da Floresta
Sandra Mohr
Uma jovem detetive é designada para um caso de assassinato brutal em sua cidade natal. Quando o irmão dela se torna o principal suspeito, ela é forçada a enfrentar os demônios de seu passado
Where shall we put grandma? Her permanently anxious and stressed daughter, Marie, knows exactly where: the neighbourhood’s idyllically situated retirement homem where she can find friends of “her own age”. But Granny has other ideas: She wants to see the Pope in Rome, and no one can stop her plan. She wants to finally confess a troubling sin to the highest possible power. She resolves to make the journey alone, and ends up one day on the doorstep of her granddaughter, Martina. What she doesn’t know is that Martina has a secret too, and that a private audience with the Pope is virtually impossible for mere mortals. Together with sly bon vivant, Lorenzo, the three set off on an adventure – but their attempt to receive a Papal blessing almost ends in disaster.
Infância Roubada
A historia se passa nos anos 50 e acompanha um rapaz que é contratado para ser um «Verdingbub», ou seja, uma "criança contratada - uma prática muito comum e que vigorou na Alemanha e Suíça entre 1800 a 1960. Segundo a política governamental da época, o estado podia retirar a custódia das crianças dos pais, caso estes fossem pobres, ou até filhos de pais separados. Muitas dessas crianças viveram assim um verdadeiro calvário emocional, sendo muitas vezes vítimas de abusos físicos e até sexuais nas mãos de pais adotivos que eram donos de pequenas propriedades agrícolas.
Neue Vahr Süd
Frank Lehmann, 20, still lives with his parents in the dreary high-rise housing project "Neue Vahr" in Bremen. It's the year 1980 and Frank gets drafted to the army even though his friends assure him that "he's not really the guy for it". When he gets back home, after his first week at the army, his Dad has turned his room into a TV repair shop, so Frank has to move out. Luckily his old friend Martin is starting a commune with two other Punks in Bremens leftist borough "Viertel". Frank, without further ado rents the unlivable walk-through room. From now on Frank is a traveler between the Worlds. Each week he goes from the Army, with all the unconditional rules and regulations to the commune where his friends are preaching the world revolution. Frank is trying to avoid to stick out, but fails miserably, in both worlds.
Young Goethe in Love
Lotte Buff
After aspiring poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe fails his law exams, he's sent to a sleepy provincial court to reform. Instead, he falls for Lotte, a young woman who is promised to another man.
Sylvia Dubois
É de manhã em uma grande cidade. Dois adolescentes paqueram com vergonha; uma dona de casa vê a sua novela favorita; enfermeiros em um hospital falam antes de trocar de turno; um casal rico vai para casa na hora do rush; e um homem armado entra em um prédio em busca de vingança. Em um piscar de olhos, aquilo que parecia uma serie de eventos independentes, muda para sempre a vida dessas pessoas. A ideia original para o roteiro foi inspirada por uma atrocidade acontecida em 1986, quando Günther Tschanun matou quatro de seus colegas de trabalho.
Kathy is a single mother who is reluctant to have her 17-year-old autistic son Jimmie return to a home. She takes him in, even though everyone dissuades her from doing so. She is forced to accept that her proximity to Jimmie does not have the desired effect for his progress. On the contrary, his reactions to the unfamiliar situation are fierce, taking her to her limits time and again. The only thing that makes Jimmie feel comfortable is swimming: his greatest passion. When the swim coach discovers his talent, new prospects seem to open for him.
Liebe und Wahn
Anna Lanz
Alles wegen Hulk
A Girl from the Abroad
A story of Neda - young girl from Yugoslavia adopted by German parents.