A day in the life of reluctant hotel owner Dave, a man troubled by nightmares, his neighbour, his friends and love. Dave’s days and nights blend into each other as he wanders vacantly through the halls of the abandoned and dilapidated Hotel Poseidon, which he inherited from his deceased father. When a young woman knocks on the hotel’s door looking for a room, while Dave’s best friend wants to throw a party in the backroom, and a recurring dream haunts him, a surreal and grisly ordeal is set in motion.
After a pleasant evening at the cafe, two brothers drive home excited. They tease each other and talk about things. There is not a cloud in the sky. But one beer too much, a deep tragic accident and a protective lie weave a fateful web in which one of them becomes irreversibly entangled
Rocky grows up surrounded by death: everyone around him dies in a freak accident and each time he's at the center of it all. A modern tale about a lot of bad luck and a tiny bit of bliss.