Catherine Dussart


Everything Will Be OK
After a century of genocidal ideologies and destructive speciesism, animals have enslaved humans and taken over the world. In a wave of hope, the statues of the past have been removed but new ones are being erected to suppress the will of the people. This is now a planet of apes, boars and lions, and a zoological revolution is reversing and recreating the atrocities of the 20th century.
Silence in the Dust
More than twenty years ago, Dazhang along with his three brothers came to Guangdong to work in a local quartz powder factory. However, a few years later, Dazhang was diagnosed with advanced staged pneumoconiosis. Returning to his hometown, the pneumoconiosis was gradually killing him every single day. The entire family was stuck in this seemingly endless suffering, while his children were still confused about what happened to their father.
Silence in the Dust
More than twenty years ago, Dazhang along with his three brothers came to Guangdong to work in a local quartz powder factory. However, a few years later, Dazhang was diagnosed with advanced staged pneumoconiosis. Returning to his hometown, the pneumoconiosis was gradually killing him every single day. The entire family was stuck in this seemingly endless suffering, while his children were still confused about what happened to their father.
A film about people who have survived the irradiation of war and recommended to those who believe they are immune to it.
Once Upon a Time in Calcutta
Just when the people of an expanding Calcutta feel their dreams might be fulfilled, they hear the sound of things falling.
Túmulos Sem Nome
Rithy Panh continua sua busca pessoal e espiritual. O filme é uma expressão da necessidade de redescobrir a paz, quando um homem, que aos treze anos perdeu quase toda a sua família sob o regime do Khmer rossi, vai em busca dos túmulos de sua família...
While Jonaki, an 80-year-old woman, searches for love in a strange world of decaying memories, her lover, now old and grey, returns to a world she is leaving behind.
Le chemin
Camille, a young lady who has joined a Catholic mission in Cambodia and is ready to take her vows, crosses paths along a river and the Angkor ruins with a Cambodian man, Sambath, on a regular basis.
Exil is a visionary narration of the exile of Cambodians during the Red Khmer regime, during which the country was renamed Democratic Kampuchea.
France Is Our Mother Country
If you would like to witness the forces of colonialism in brute action, Rithy Panh’s extraordinary new film provides the long view. A masterpiece of editing, the film assembles archival footage and antiqued title cards into a wordless recapturing of the Indochinese Empire, beginning with the early days of French occupation. In this prelapsarian age, everything is golden with promise. Ladies, in empire waist gowns and enormous hats, throw candies to local children. Great steamships carry French culture abroad, and the Tricolore flag flies on high.
A Imagem que Falta
O diretor conta neste documentário a ascensão da ditadura de Pol Pot no Camboja, fato do qual restaram poucos registros históricos além da propaganda do regime. Para dramatizar os horrores que a história apagou ele usa bonecos de argila, recriando as imagens que faltam do que aconteceu na época e que ele mesmo presenciou.
Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell
Uma Barragem Contra o Pacífico
O espírito de uma mãe perturbada desmorona quando seus filhos adultos lutam pela independência. Sentindo-se abandonada, ela pensa em tomar medidas drásticas.
The Ugly Swans
In the near future, writer Victor Banev gets himself on a UN commission to investigate what's going on in the remote town of Tashlinsk, where reports tell of a virus-created race of brainiac mutants. Banev's tween daughter Ira is enrolled at a school for gifted children which has been taken over by the mutants, who have grown to despise ordinary humanity.
After studying literature at Cairo University, Dunia, 23 years old, wants to become a professional dancer. She attends audition for an oriental dance contest where she recites Arabian poetry without any body movement. She explain to the perplexed jury that a woman can't move her body or evoke act of love when society ask women to hide their femininity. She is selected and meet Beshir, an intellectual and activist who will supervise her thesis on ecstasy in Sufi love poetry. Their attraction is mutual. This could be liberation for Dunia but the constraints on women in Egyptian society goes deeper than she suspects.
In 1889, mounted on a small gray horse named Serko, Dimitri leaves his garrison on the Asian borders of the Russian Empire on the banks of the Amur River. After extraordinary adventures, they both arrive in St. Petersburg, at the court of the Tsar. Having covered more than 9000 kilometers in less than 200 days, this young rider has achieved the most fantastic equestrian feat of all time.
During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.
The Wedding
The beautiful Tanya returns to her small mining town, after supposedly working as a model in Moscow. She decides to marry her shy school sweetheart Mishka, who now works in the mine. The miners finally receive some pay, but Mishka still ends up with no money to buy his bride a gift, so he seeks the help of his perpetually drunk buddy Garkusha. Mishka's poor working-class family all help to put on a fine wedding with copious amounts of vodka, even though they are suspicious of Tanya's occupation in Moscow, and of her connection with her Mafia ex-boyfriend Borodin.
Dormez, je le veux!
Cora is a teenager and has a lot of problems (mostly because of the relationship with her parents). One day she meets Katz, a hypnotizer who makes shows in the whole country, and his assistant Pedro. Then she manages to convince Katz to bring her with him in order to teach her his job. Thus Cora leaves her home without saying any word to her parents and begins a long trip through France with a very tumultuous relationship with Katz and Pedro.