Chinese Chef
Randy Quaid as the taxi driver drives Zen parables (Is time money - Is time the root of all evil?) into his passenger/protegee in a high-speed, idiosyncratic tour of their city's ethnic coteries. All the boy wants is to dispose of his date's dead dog Jasper and get back to the babe who's so hot she mutters darkly about being a Pressure Cooker: his conventional efforts are continually thwarted. Quaid is respected by the peculiar groups he interests in the dog's corpse and effects, and our one-gloved heroine is much keener on him than on her rather lackluster date.
Echoing the comic tone of the "Police Academy" films, Ninja Academy boasts an ensemble cast of hilarious characters, bonding while training hard, playing hard and ultimately, losing hard-- In the tough, unforgiving world of martial arts.
Documentary Couple
No fim de sua formatura na Universidade de Chicago, Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) dá a Sally Albright (Meg Ryan), formanda amiga de sua namorada, uma carona até Nova York. Os anos passam e eles continuam a se encontrar esporadicamente, mas a grande amizade que desenvolveram é abalada ao perceberem que na verdade estão apaixonados um pelo outro.
Mr. Lee
In this pilot to the short-lived "Hell Town," Robert Blake plays a scrappy, ex-convict-turned-ghetto priest in an impoverished inner-city parish.
Chinese Herbalist
A Los Angeles taxi driver helps a distraught woman on the run from gangsters after they murder her husband and young son.
A garçonete Sunny Davis (Goldie Hawn) testemunha um atentado contra autoridade árabe e salva sua vida ao impedir o assassino. Por causa disso, vira celebridade no país inteiro. Políticos inescrupulosos resolvem aproveitar a fama da moça para convidá-la a integrar o Departamento de Protocolo - mas cheios de segundas intenções.