Deborah Dawn


De Corpo e Alma
Deborah - Joffrey Dancer
O relato de uma temporada no Joffrey Ballet de Chicago, visto pelos olhos de sua estrela em ascensão Ry. Conciliando seu sonho de ser bailarina com o trabalho de garçonete que paga as contas, Ry enfrenta exigências conflituosas e também começa um novo romance com Josh.
The Joffrey Ballet: Billboards - Music By Prince
Billboards is a ballet created by the Joffrey Ballet featuring the works of Prince. The premiere was on Wednesday, January 27, 1993, at Hancher Auditorium, University of Iowa, Iowa City. No new music was used, although Prince contributed a special extended ten minute orchestrated version of "Thunder" from the Diamonds and Pearls album. A video of the performance was released on VHS in February 1994, and on Laserdisc format.