A young man from Barcelona (Marc) arrives to Venice and confronts his father (Paco), who has not seen since he was two years old. This sudden encounter with his forgotten son both shocks and pleases Paco. Marc, filled with long repressed resentments, discovers in Paco a welcoming individual. The emotions seem to move towards a feeling of connection and understanding between father and son. But Paco's semi-lies, his complex and opaque past, his unclear present, quickly transforms the encounter into a muddy pool of emotional uncertaintie.
A young man from Barcelona (Marc) arrives to Venice and confronts his father (Paco), who has not seen since he was two years old. This sudden encounter with his forgotten son both shocks and pleases Paco. Marc, filled with long repressed resentments, discovers in Paco a welcoming individual. The emotions seem to move towards a feeling of connection and understanding between father and son. But Paco's semi-lies, his complex and opaque past, his unclear present, quickly transforms the encounter into a muddy pool of emotional uncertaintie.
A young man from Barcelona (Marc) arrives to Venice and confronts his father (Paco), who has not seen since he was two years old. This sudden encounter with his forgotten son both shocks and pleases Paco. Marc, filled with long repressed resentments, discovers in Paco a welcoming individual. The emotions seem to move towards a feeling of connection and understanding between father and son. But Paco's semi-lies, his complex and opaque past, his unclear present, quickly transforms the encounter into a muddy pool of emotional uncertaintie.
The concern of a group of people to avoid the sale of the Barcelona pension where they live is altered by the appearance of Dabashree, an Indian woman, and her 8-year-old son. The mysterious mission that Dabashree takes to Barcelona will awaken the curiosity of the inhabitants of the inn until an unexpected event will cause the woman to reveal her secret.
The concern of a group of people to avoid the sale of the Barcelona pension where they live is altered by the appearance of Dabashree, an Indian woman, and her 8-year-old son. The mysterious mission that Dabashree takes to Barcelona will awaken the curiosity of the inhabitants of the inn until an unexpected event will cause the woman to reveal her secret.
Line Producer
Tendo apenas 23 anos, Ann (Sarah Polley) é mãe de duas garotinhas, Penny (Jessica Amlee) e Patsy (Kenya Jo Kennedy), e é casada com Don (Scott Speedman), que constrói piscinas. Ela trabalha todas as noites na limpeza de uma universidade, onde nunca terá condições de estudar, e mora com sua família em um trailer, que fica no quintal da casa da sua mãe (Deborah Harry). Ann mantém uma distância obrigatória do pai, pois ele há dez anos está na prisão. Após passar mal, Ann descobre que tem câncer nos ovários. A doença alcançou o estômago e logo estará chegando no fígado, assim ela terá no máximo três meses de vida. Sem contar a ninguém seu problema e dizendo que está com anemia, Ann faz uma lista de tudo que sempre quis realizar, mas nunca teve tempo ou oportunidade. Ela começa uma trajetória em busca de seus sonhos, desejos e fantasias, mas imaginando como será a vida sem ela.
In the early 2000s filmmaker Raul Ruiz followed painter Jean Miotte to different locations (New York, France, Germany).