The recently divorced father of a nine-year-old, furious his daughter can't spend her birthday with him, bursts into her classroom with a birthday cake and a rifle. A hostage crisis ensues, and the mayor of the town in which the events take place will try to use the situation to gain advantage ahead of the elections, stopping at nothing. The son of a young policeman is in the same class, and before the events unfold, he'll have to answer a question as well.
Beatnik girl
1962. Uma geração de jovens se rebela contra o estabelecimento. O ativista e pacifista Eik Skaløe conhece Iben e se apaixona perdidamente, mas Iben é uma garota de seu tempo: se recusa a comprometer-se com um só homem. Desesperado, Eik tenta ganhar o coração da garota se transformando em poeta, escritor, nômade, junkie e, eventualmente, cantor da promissora banda Steppeulvene.